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Author Topic: Candles In The Dark (IC Thread)(Turn 6)  (Read 6805 times)


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Re: Candles In The Dark (IC Thread)(Turn 4)
« Reply #105 on: July 06, 2019, 03:05:13 pm »

There are four kinds of wealth in this world. mused Kamoan There is physical wealth, which I and others have brought into this place, and which can be found deep beneath the skin of this world. There is might, the power to wield force and to impose your will upon a place, or upon another. There is subtly. To have an abundance of subtlty is to have impose might without the need of force. But also to have culture, and art. It is quite, subtle, what composes a wealth of subtlety. Of these three, the Dragons certainly have the most physical wealth. And also the most might. Though others have too begun to adhere to these concepts. Subtlety is much rarer type of wealth, only used by the gods and these Carp for treachery. Yet, perhaps that is what makes them valuable in their own right. An interesting thought for another time perhaps.

Yet the fourth type of wealth is quite rare, only a few have come to know it's existence, much less it's value. Knowledge. Knowledge is the most ethereal wealth of all, and the most difficult to quantify. Yet, in it's nature, it could be worth far more than gems and swords. With no way to amass knowledge, these mortals will have little chance of pulling themselves from the mud and dawning the golden cloaks they're destined to wear. Perhaps this will plant the seeds of learning within them...

Kamoan makes a system of magic based around the True Names of Forms.

Kamoan then spends the rest of this period teaching the Language of Mortality to each of the mortal races, especially dragons and leaders of the small races. He uses The Language of Mortality so that they may understand him.

Kamoan also temporarily stops exerting power over who can and can't use Kent's.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2019, 03:11:05 pm by Roboson »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Candles In The Dark (IC Thread)(Turn 4)
« Reply #106 on: July 06, 2019, 10:55:38 pm »

Spoiler: Nevermind (click to show/hide)
Ok, for real this time (probably).

Five energy-thingies (I don't remember what they're properly called, if anything)! Crafting magic! I do declare it to be Artifice!
By drawing upon the intrinsic magical prowess of the crafter(s), what amounts of energy can be gained from the act of crafting itself, designs built into the creations, and the materials the product is made from, people will be able to create magical equipment! Bescaled specifically for the time being, because they're the ones that Bastion will teach this arcane art to. In addition to telling them he gave it to them, of course, as well as letting them know that he was actually the one to create them in the first place.
What type of magic the items are imbued with will depend on how it's decorated and what types of elements the maker is naturally attuned to - you're going to have an easier time making a sword of fire if it's decorated with flame-like detailing and forged by a fire-aligned Bescaled, for example, while prayers may (may) have more effect if made before an statue detailing the deity of worship.
Conveniently coming with the knowledge of the new magic-crafting system is knowledge of how to craft in general, because that is kind of a prerequisite to being able to do this. Metalscales (including rustscales and other "lesser" varieties), of course, gain greater benefit from this influx of knowledge than their standard brethren, but all of them become fairly proficient.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2019, 03:06:38 pm by Glass »
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


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Re: Candles In The Dark (IC Thread)(Turn 4)
« Reply #107 on: July 07, 2019, 07:46:14 am »

Saraab provides one energy to Kamoan's True Words Magic, bringing the total to 6 energy.


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Re: Candles In The Dark (IC Thread)(Turn 4)
« Reply #108 on: July 11, 2019, 01:21:41 pm »

Turn 4: An entirely excessive amount of magic.

What was once a humble cave was by the will of Ventura transformed into a magnificent temple. Intricate murals, helpful enchantments, and a suitable place for placing offerings greeted the awe-struck Star Elves who discovered it. Though there was no one to directly claim responsibility, this was clearly the work of a great power, and the murals made clear what other things were its doing.
Understanding the implication of their cave of offerings being transformed, the Star Elves made a point to leave even more intricate gifts, and to praise the great wind-god. Though confined to the tribes in the regions surrounding Stormheight, the worship had sufficient fervour and structure to invigorate Ventura.

The Hidden Wind Temple is created. Ventura gains 1 strength from the (localised) worship of the Star Elves.

Ma Dong folds reality in on itself to create a pocket dimension, parallel to the mortal plane, but distinct enough to be subject to different laws. The permanently misty land boasts a full seven hills, the largest of which houses a great tower, where a gong rings out to attract the spirits of the dead into the realm of Misthall. A handful of 'spirits' (non-sentient extensions of Ma Dong's will) guide newcomers, informing them of the rules they are to abide by.

Immediately, souls begin to trickle in. Some opt to leave, preferring to fade away, whilst others seek to exist forever, and opt to stay in the admittedly somewhat boring afterlife. Communities form, as the dead mimic their living habits, though as per Ma Dong's rules, civility is upheld.

Ma Dong finds that whilst the dead provide no stream of worship, their souls retain some amount of precious Belief- which could, in principle, be extracted, although this is likely to be harmful to the souls. As the souls reside in Ma Dong's private plane, only he may choose to exploit this source of power.

Misthall is created. Dead souls begin to populate Misthall.
Ma Dong may draw on Misthall as a source of power (using a simple action), provided it has sufficient population.

Ma Dong teaches some Carp how to make basic tools, but the Carp already know how to make basic tools, so this has no effect.

Saraab visits a tribe of Star Elves, taking on the guise of another Star Elf, albeit one made of stone and wood. He spends several days with them, wandering through the forest, during which he discusses matters of community, and makes a solid attempt at explaining the basics of fermentation.
Unsurprisingly, this goes across really well. The community stuff they can take or leave, but when the Elves taste the alcoholic mush, they are quickly enraptured. It takes some more explanation to get across how to replicate the feat (especially given the Star Elves' primitive tools), but the Elves are eager students, and Saraab is successful in teaching the tribe how to produce their own alcohol.

After the strange mechanical Elf leaves, the tribe concludes- despite Saraab making no attempts to convert them- that such potent nectar could only be a gift from the gods. Fermentation spreads quickly throughout the various Star Elf tribes, and with it the story of the Great Fermenter. As the years pass, belief in the Great Fermenter would spread across the world, and the Belief thus generated was sufficient to invigorate Saraab.

Saraab teaches the Star Elves the basics of fermentation. Saraab gains 1 strength from the belief in the Great Fermenter.

Anath, having made lines of power in the sky, now places lines of power in the earth, binding the power into the land, until it flows through the world (and the other planets, to a lesser degree), tied into and drawing on the natural processes of geological activity (making, for instance, geologically active areas more likely to feature potent leylines).
And to allow mortals to manipulate this power, he codifies Land Magic, which will allow for structures to be created that channel this power into potent effects of many kinds. The first to learn this art are Anath's favoured children, the Star Elves, to whom Anath sends messengers, teaching the most fervent believers the necessary skills. At first, they struggle to assemble structures with sufficient precision. However, one of those blessed with the visions is a descendant of a Saraab-blessed innovator. She quickly organises collaboration between several tribes, having one tribe produce better tools, another tribe source easily workable stone and timber, whilst her own tribe experiments with 'Scaffolding', building simple wooden frames that channel leyline energy to make stone lighter and more easily workable. This, combined with earth ramps and log rollers, allows for large stones to be assembled into a precisely engineered circle, carved with images of the moon and stars. Built on a confluence of leylines, the great temple hums with power as soon as the final stone is put in place. Curative energies radiate forth, healing the scars, bruises, and broken bones of the labourers. More importantly, the carvings on the stones begin to glow, their complex patterns providing a far more accurate reading of the future to those with the ken of such things.

In short order, the necessary techniques are spread across the world, and temples spring up wherever Star Elves converge. Those blessed by Anath, his priests, can enhance the workings of the temples, and this clear blessing from god, combined with the physical manifestation of belief that building a temple represents, ensures that Anath finds his power growing considerably.

The planets are suffused with Leylines. Land Magic is codified. The Star Elves learn improved crafting techniques and basic architecture, using these to construct Temples to Anath. Anath gains 2 strength from the more structured and focused Belief.

Go'Sha pays a visit to the world's most popular dragon, Confubrum. The- by now quite old- dragon recognises the voice of the Ruby-Creator, and he listens intently as she explains to him her latest gift; a significantly more elaborate metalworking setup. Where once he melted metal in a depression in the rock, he is now granted a kiln. Where once metal was allowed to pool and solidify by itself, he is now granted a series of (magically robust) casts. Where once his smelting efforts were mostly trial and error, he is now educated on the nature of alloys. Go'Sha explains the value of providing his vassals with superior crafting ability, and arming them against their enemies, which Confubrum acknowledges makes a certain amount of sense.

After Go'Sha leaves, Confubrum summons his vassals, and shows them the gifts that were granted to him by the god of fire. Working the forge is somewhat fiddly work for one as large as him, so he educates the Bescaled on its operation. In short order, they are cranking out items of bronze- weapons and armour, at first, although they soon develop casts of their own, with which they produce hammers and picks to make their work easier.
For all that they admire the weapons Go'Sha has provided them, however, the Bescaled struggle to find much use. The spearheads prove useful in hunting, but the sword and shields seem less useful, and the armour only serves to slow them down. It's not like anyone dares stand against them anyway, and Confubrum has no interest in looting the hoards of lesser dragons- his quickly expanding collection of metal objects makes him far richer than any other dragon- save for the Star-Dragons, but even Confubrum would not think to go up against them. Besides, no one has heard much from them in recent years- they seem to have secluded themselves.

The Bescaled also work on replicating Go'Sha's gifts, building replica kilns from stone as best they can, but initial attempts fail to reach sufficient temperatures to smelt metal- wood just doesn't burn hot enough.

Confubrum and his vassals are grateful to the god of fire for the gifts, providing Go'Sha with a modicum of Belief- not enough to notably increase her strength, however.

Go'Sha grants Confubrum a divine forge. Confubrum's vassals learn improved metalworking.

Kamoan weaves a complex magic, with some aid from Saraab, in order to give all things a True Name. This magic suffuses the system, and each thing is named- albeit with a name that even the gods must work to determine. Mortals may, with great study and dilligence, come to understand the True Name of a thing, thereby giving them power over that thing. To a degree, the Name itself provides a modicum of magical power, enabling even those with none of their own to cast (though for best results, other magical energy must be used as well).
As a result of all things getting a True Name, echoes of these names reverberate with all souls. They may not consciously understand them, but they provide the framework for a common language that all sapient beings can understand. This Language of Mortality bears little resemblance to the actual True Names, but it may serve as a means of exchange between all peoples.

Kamoan finds that teaching the Language of Mortality is unnecessary, for all those who he attempts to teach it to prove to already understand it.

There is little use of True Names initially, partially because they are hard to find, and partially because no one knows to look for them.

Kamoan gives everything (in the system; things beyond the Wall of Stars are excluded) a True Name. The Language of Mortality is created, which all sapient beings understand.

Kamoan also subtly changes the magic of the Kents, such that divine intervention is not directly required. This is not immediately noticed by their owners.

Bastion becomes the fourth god to create a system of magic- fifth if one counts Saraab's assistance with True-Name magic. Known as Crafting Magic, or Artifice, it allows for craftsmen- with the proper procedures- to imbue their works with magical effects. This Bastion teaches to the Bescaled, granting them an enhanced knowledge of crafting to go along with it.
Worldwide, Bescaled awaken with newfound knowledge. Some realise how to process hides into leather, others how to work with clay. Primitive stone tools quickly make way for more refined stone tools, some of which are enchanted with effects further enhancing their efficacy. The effects are generally weak, for lack of magical materials or energy. Some, finding themselves over a confluence of leylines by chance, have greater success; Metalscales likewise see greater results.
Confubrum's vassals find that certain metals are easier to enchant, which combined with their own enhanced magical energy allows them to make items with many useful effects. Perhaps more importantly, their already (relatively) advanced crafting knowledge is further enhanced by Bastion's inspirations, and their previous efforts to produce a working kiln prove more successful, shaping them more carefully, and using clay to seal gaps. Wood is carefully dried and split into small pieces, and, after some trial and error, sufficient temperatures are reached, and molten metal pours forth.

The Bescaled are appropriately grateful to Bastion for both this latest gift, and their existence. A tide of worship, and many physical offerings in the form of small statues and ornaments (left in vaguely 'holy' places) provides Bastion with more than enough Belief to greatly enhance his strength.

Bastion codifies Artifice. The Bescaled learn improved crafting, including the creation of leather and clay objects. Bastion gains 2 strength from the worship of the Bescaled.
Confubrum's vassals perfect their improved metalworking techniques, and start to produce metal objects at a much greater rate.

With their newfound ability to communicate, ideas spread much more rapidly throughout the world. Bescaled, Star Elves, and Carp trade enchanted objects, booze, and Antelope, exchanging knowledge as they do so. Not all ideas spread as quickly, but the Carp learn to craft more effectively than before, and learn the basics of construction- their rate of knowledge absorption enhanced with the assistance of Jinli. Both the Elves and the Bescaled are taught the basics of dealing with Domesticated Antelope, and in time they too develop their own herds.

All (small) mortals learn to domesticate Antelope. The Carp learn improved crafting and primitive construction.

The Star Elves build pens for their Antelope, though they are mostly temporary, as they still prefer to migrate. Though from their exchanges with the Bescaled they do not manage to learn their crafting secrets directly, consulting the stars reveals to some of them a course of action: they trade Windstone- sometimes carrying it over vast distances- with the Bescaled, exchanging the magical material (which Bescaled crafters are eager to get their hands on) for mere hints as to the processes involved in the creation of things like leather. By making the same trade with several different tribes of Bescaled, they manage to piece together the basics of leatherworking- a skill they are quite eager to master, for it provides an excellent way of transporting booze.

Some Star Elves who have visited the Hidden Wind Temple use their newfound architectural skills to create similar shrines to Ventura in other locations. With control over the weather attributed to him/her- a most fickle thing, that is of great importance to primitive peoples-, their faith attracts more adherents, and the Wind Shrines spread further. Ventura's strength grows yet further.

Star Elves learn leatherworking (so as to make containers for booze).
Wind Shrines are built by the Star Elves, spreading the worship of Ventura. Ventura gains 1 strength from the now widespread Belief.

Carp take to building like... well, fish to water (although, of course, in this world Fish take to dry land at times). Though they lack the full knowledge of Land Magic, building pens for their Antelope, artificial pools for their offspring, and shelters for themselves are still useful. Combined with better tools- finer nets, sharper spears- many find that moving around is an unnecessary effort, as they are more than capable of gathering enough to survive on whilst stationary. This, in turn, leads to more construction and crafting. Carp 'villages' dot the coasts and riverbanks, typically ringed by a moat, with channels running throughout, a few 'shacks' consisting of branches lashed across a wooden frame, and a few stone standing stones.

Carp form settled communities.

The Bescaled look at Confubrum's vassals with envy, wishing to emulate their metalworking skills. But Confubrum's vassals have no desire to share their secrets, and none dare try to sneak into the ancient dragon's territory to figure it out. None, but for an exiled Rustscale, who by chance was also the inheritor of Saraab's blessing. He infiltrates Confubrum's lands, observing the Bescaled working their (replica) kilns and forges, even going so far as to investigate them during the night. Once he has learnt enough, he returns to his former tribe, and offers a stolen bronze blade as evidence that he has seen the Ruby-Lead-Scales' workings up close. When his directions prove to produce a somewhat operational kiln- capable of smelting at least some of the ores the tribe had gathered from the Tunnel-Wurm tunnels-, he is readmitted to the tribe. The kiln proves useful as a way of hardening clay as well, which offers a source of hollow vessels more permanent than leather flasks.

Basic metalworking spreads to all Bescaled.

The dragons observe the smaller mortals growing more advanced, and realise that they cannot afford to be left behind. They seek to emulate Confubrum's arrangement, which does not work perfectly- most resort to threats to earn the 'cooperation' of Bescaled. Some try similar things with Star-Elves and Carp, more or less extorting tributes of trinkets from the more nimble crafters. Resistance is rare, as even mud-dragons are large and imposing, but a few fights do happen. In the case of Bescaled who are armed with metal-tipped spears (typically copper outside of Confubrum's lands), the dragons sometimes even lose, and are forced to limp away, bloodied and beaten.
A rare few engage in mostly fair exchanges, offering items from their hoards in exchange for craftwork. Some Kents make their way into the hands of the smaller mortals, along with an explanation of their use. This causes a slight uptick in worship of Kamoan (not enough to notably increase his strength), as smaller mortals- following instructions- pray to him as they exchange their Kents for things of value to them- things like food for a starving tribe, good luck whilst hunting, or metal tools.

Dragons try, mostly unsuccessfully, to form relations with smaller mortals.

All seemed well, as once again there had been no sign of the Eldritch Threat causing any trouble. Indeed, one might be forgiven for forgetting it had ever been a problem. However, there was to be a reminder, which no one would miss.

Spontaneously, without warning, the Wall of Stars shook, and ethereal shockwaves reverberated throughout the system. Every mortal on the planet felt it, and- on the night side-, saw it happen, as the stars in the sky shuddered. The Skyquake lasted about a minute, but subsided with no apparent damage, other than some slightly shaken mortals.

Right. Let me know if you think I missed something. Also, feel free to invent small events that happen without needing me to write about them, so long as they make sense.
Mechanically, you believe that actions with a DE cost of 6 or higher may result in Eldritch interference from now on (though weakened by the Wall of Stars). 
Anyway, links: OOC thread, Discord.

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Re: Candles In The Dark (IC Thread)(Turn 5)
« Reply #109 on: July 18, 2019, 04:37:44 am »

Ma Dong mused and ruminated upon the hill of Misthall, thinking of need and desire. Creation was yet still young and yet still unmolested from the depredations of the eldritch beyond the Wall of Stars. For now in any case. Now was a time to be prosperous, to focus within, rather than without. And yet, Ma Dong felt an innate paranoia, aghast with fear should even a crack in existence's defenses be made. A static defense, was simply that; static. It could not react to change; it was an oak whereas what was needed was a palm (or at least, so did Ma Dong believe). And so, Ma Dong released his essence into the realm and suffused it with celestial nature

Simple Action 1: Retrieve a few fallen star from one of the uninhabited worlds.

Action 2  (3DE): Misthall is transformed into The Celestial Heavens, a much more useful afterlife plane. No longer a small land of rolling hills and streams shrouded in mists, the land has been more diverse. A full weather system has been installed, with a small star composed of those that fell (the fallen star shards) in lieu of a true sun. The hills and streams too. The plane's water now too also flows from giant porcelain pots  atop the tallest hills. Of course, this was all but a setting for the refurbished plane's true purpose, which was to act as Ma Dong's training grounds for a celestial defense force. At the very centre of the plain was a middling-sized town of the dead, built according to both military and civil principles, it would act as a the main draw to the spirits of the dead. For in this town, Ma Dong did place a tower that reached a few 10s of metres into the sky;ine.

This tower did elicit light, but not like the UV radiation or heat from a star. No, it did release celestial light- euphoric divine essence that did make all life feel its splendour, and desire it. To make great use of the opportunity however, Ma Dong limited its aura, and made only those of assigned rank feel the beauty and goodness of the aura and indeed, amplify it in those of rank. Rank, of course, in Ma Dong's celestial army. To those spirits who had but entered the afterlife and felt the plane's aura, they would feel only a desire to seek the source and would feel but a niggling euphoria, not so great to cause addiction. Those who rejected enlistment would be allowed to inhabit the plane, but otherwise lacking in heavenly euphoria. Those who left the plane entirely would find themselves feeling a sense of dejection.

Rank was of course gained by training and study, not only for military roles but in the refinement of craft. Through this way, one could rise in rank not only by application of direct war, but also in support of those who would fight. To be a bureaucrat (one who did run the regimented life of the Heavens or otherwise organise new arrivals) in the Celestial Heavens was to attain rank. To be a potter was to achieve rank. To be a singer was to achieve rank. To improve in anything helpful, was to achieve rank. And with rank, one would feel yet greater euphoria. Still, all would have to train and drill in combat so as to maintain rank.

In addition, the gongs of the plane were made to actively attract the dead to the Heavens.

Action 3 (3DE): Ma Dong did choose a carp, of the Shuili morph, and declare it a prophet of his own. A carp chosen almost at random, the carp was likely nothing special. Of course, that didn't matter, for the divine made best work with tools diverse. Ma Dong thus, did drown the carp in his own essence and did grant title as the General Spiritual. Suffusing it in essence, Ma Dong did clearly inform the carp that they were Ma Dong, the same being as Baba, and that he had made the Carp and would continue to watch over them.  He gave the General Spiritual the task of ensuring that all carp did thusly know this and that all remember that Ma Dong did make them. He left him with instructions to found a priesthood composed of community patriarchs and matriarchs, each given the duty of leading their families in prayer- both to Ma Dong, and the ancestors that have gone and died. To prove their divine calling, Ma Dong did grant the carp immortality as well an innate knowledge of Artifice, especially with the workings of the Water element.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2019, 06:01:55 am by micelus »
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Re: Candles In The Dark (IC Thread)(Turn 5)
« Reply #110 on: July 19, 2019, 11:35:02 am »

Sensing the need to better arm herself against the Eldritch Threat, Go'sha enters one of the tunnels to collect precious and hard metals. Then, she heads back to the ancient Confubrum's forge. There, she works with him to create a weapon for herself, in exchange for a few more shiny trinkets and the offer to protect his hoard and 'horde' from being stolen by a dragon that is not of his offspring.
After meticulous work, utilizing metals she herself pulls from the earth and infusing her destructive power into each part as they were forged, they have a handle and a dozen short blades attached to it by a length of chain. Grasping the handle she feels her own divine power resonating within the weapon, like an extention of herself. By her own willpower the chain quickly retracts, and the blades slide into each other to form a greatsword. She smiled, because a simple sword wasn't enough for her. A fan of dramatics, Go'sha wanted a weapon that was as theatrical as she was, and the chain blade was exactly what she needed.

The chain blade is an extention of Go'sha, filled with her own divine power. By changing the polarity, she can choose to retract it into a sword, or extend it into a sharp-bladed whip. Due to how much destructive power is in it, any mortal who is struck by a blade will explode, while those who touches the handle will see their life force quickly sapped away.

Go'sha spends simple actions and 4DE to create Kanahi, the chain blade.

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Re: Candles In The Dark (IC Thread)(Turn 5)
« Reply #111 on: July 21, 2019, 12:24:22 pm »

Saraab feels a burst of energy whenever the mortals raise a cup in his (bastardized) name, and sees that him and his pantheon need more worship if they want to become stronger. First things first, a new race must be born to expand knowledge, to build grand cities, and to unite all the races together. Spending a moderate amount of his power, Saraab creates the Vrenkriks for 5 energy.

Spoiler: Boring Fluff (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Rau (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Kar (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Aehe (click to show/hide)
Saraab then spends two energy in order to assist with teaching the Vrenkriks. He uses a simple action to teach them about thr various races and magics of this world, and about survival (like how they are supposed to boil water). He then teaches them how to make furnaces, how to make glass, and most importantly the art of glassblowing. He hopes that these will be useful to the insectiods, allowing them to offer trade these beautiful creations with other races for useful stuff.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2019, 08:41:48 pm by Wozzy »


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Re: Candles In The Dark (IC Thread)(Turn 5)
« Reply #112 on: July 24, 2019, 08:24:55 pm »

(Sorry about taking so long.)

Bastion couldn't really think of what to do at the moment. So he decided to strengthen his equipment.

Bastion spends all 6 of his Essence to empower his shield and weapon, making the shield as impenetrable as he could and causing all opponents nearby to focus on its bearer, and made his weapon(s?) as deadly as possible, with a particular focus put into making it as powerful an anti-eldritch force as was possible with the power used.

And then he went looking for some trouble of eldritch origin.
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


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Re: Candles In The Dark (IC Thread)(Turn 5)
« Reply #113 on: July 25, 2019, 12:42:50 am »

Anath, looking upon the world finds he does not have enough energy to do what he seeks to do. As such, instead, he will spend 3 DE to solve what Anath considers a failing in this world. To be precise, the lack of birds. To fix this, Anath will create an assortment of seed and even grass eating feathered creatures, such as the tree dwelling Fire-Feather Finch which consumes Wildfire Grass seedlings to protect its perch, or the night flying Speckled Tern that hunts for small fish along the coast. Such beings will give the dragons something to share airspace with, and make their feathers available for the mortal races to use in craft and art. Or perhaps even to make quills and invent writing? Granted, the largest bird, which has feathers most suited for quill making, is the territorial Thunder-Beak which lives wherever leylines meet as to feast upon the ambient magical energy which allows them to spit small electrical bolts at anything they dislike, so that might be easier said then done. With Kamoan's assistance, even more birds are created, most mundane but some, should there be enough power, with minor magical abilities either self powered or fueled by the leylines to go with and compete against the Thunder-Beak.

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« Last Edit: August 04, 2019, 01:01:17 am by Happerry »
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Re: Candles In The Dark (IC Thread)(Turn 5)
« Reply #114 on: July 27, 2019, 02:06:32 pm »

Ventura awoke from her slumber, confused and bewildered... ah, she had changed forms. She was overdue for a shift anyways.

Then it struck her. Her male form had crafted great wonders, but did he actually try to help the mortals? No, something new had to be done.

Simple Action: Ventura manifests an avatar in the Hidden Wind Temple as a family of Star Elves provide offerings.

"Greetings, mortals. I, Ventura, have seen your offerings and am pleased. As you have given to me so I will give back to you, if you will accept my pact. Will you swear to drink no water that is not of the skies? Swear to worship me above the other gods? Swear to respect the winds and wonders of the world? Swear to fight the Eldritch wherever it may appear? If you will swear this I will grant you my blessing!"

4 DE: Ventura creates the Covenant of the Winds. The Covenant of the Winds is a bloodline blessing to be granted to a family of Star Elves and all their descendants. As long as those so blessed follow Ventura's four rules (drinking no water that is not rainwater (although it is acceptable to keep rainwater in containers and cisterns as long as it is not contaminated), worshipping Ventura above the other gods, respecting the winds and wonders of the world, and fighting the Eldritch Threat whenever it appears), they will gain a magical ability to manipulate winds, sense weather, and for the strongest of them, summon lightning or turn into winds for a few seconds. If someone blessed by the Covenant breaks the rules, then they will lose the blessing until they complete a penance that involves climbing Stormheight. After the penance they regain a portion of their power proportional to how high they climbed, climbing all the way to the peak being 100%, halfway being 50%, et cetera.
Generic Arms Race.

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Re: Candles In The Dark (IC Thread)(Turn 5)
« Reply #115 on: August 20, 2019, 03:50:37 am »

Turn 5: Prophets and profits.

Ma Dong transforms the plane of Misthall into a more elaborate afterlife, less of a dreary mist-cloaked nothing, and more of a recruitment center for his celestial army. A makeshift sun, made from the remnants of several Fallen Stars, provided a cycle of night and day as it traversed the sky, and weather, of a sort, was introduced. The six lesser hills are graced by porcelain pots, from which streams of water flow, winding their way down the hillsides, forming pools and waterfalls, flowing across the land, before disappearing into the mists that still encircle the 'edge' of the plane.
A town arose around Misthall's central tower, which was also enhanced; now it radiated celestial light, in addition to the ringing of gongs, and said light invoked euphoria in all residents of the plane, proportional to their 'rank' in Ma Dong's celestial army. The plane was by Ma Dong's command renamed to the Celestial Heavens.
Immediately, many of Misthall's residents clamour to pledge loyalty to Ma Dong; not only to get closer to the celestial light, but also in search of some purpose in their eternal existence. Newcomers from the land of the living bring knowledge of crafts and magic, and soon the town is enlivened by smoke rising from forges and potteries, the smell of animals and leatherworking, and the clamour of craftsmen and soldiers all working to prepare themselves for a concept unheard of in the mortal realms; war. Though inexperienced in life with more than hunting or the occasional brawl, most residents endeavour to train themselves in the use of weapons of stone and copper (of which some are enchanted, though this proves somewhat trickier to do in the Celestial Heavens than in the mundane world).

Misthall is transformed into the Celestial Heavens, a more feature-rich plane where departed spirits work to supply or serve Ma Dong's army, and train for war. Ma Dong may still draw on the plane as a source of power if desired.

Satisfied with his extraplanar work, Ma Dong turns to the world once more, and proclaims a prophet from amongst the Carp. Chosing the prophet at random, Ma Dong manages to choose one of the weakest, most disfigured, least respected Shuili, a female exiled from her village after allegedly betraying her family- though in truth she had been but a scapegoat. Driven inland, she would've starved if not for the charity of a mysterious traveller- the Trader of the Winds, who perhaps foresaw the potential of the starving outcast, or perhaps was simply in a giving mood, fickle as it is. In exchange for a satchel of food and flask of water, it asked only for a favour in the future, before turning into wind once more and disappearing on the breeze.
Of course, this alone wouldn't've saved the young Carp. But it let her survive a few days more, until the moment that Ma Dong's influence suddenly filled her body. She hears his voice as clear as day, as he bestows upon her the title of General Spiritual, and gives her the mandate to organise a priesthood to Ma Dong, whose name was also Baba, who created the Carp and watched over them and their departed ancestors. Ma Dong further blesses her with immortality (or at least, an unaging body, and a great resilience to both disease and injury, to the point that few mortal means could hope to slay her), and a deep understanding of the magic of Artifice.

Needless to say, the newly appointed General Spiritual is somewhat taken aback. She prays to Ma Dong for answers; she asks first why, of all people, he chose her.
"From small seeds, come the greatest fish", comes the response.
She ruminates on this for a moment, then asks another question: how she might convince a single Carp to listen to her, let alone all of them.
"You are not perfect; I do not expect success in all things nor that this mission I have granted you to be done quickly. It is ok to make mistakes. But to accomplish this, you must simply show by action that you are Chosen and that you are Worthy. By my gifts I grant you, show your divine adoption.", Ma Dong responds.
She considers this as well, then asks a final question; how she should begin her journey.
To this, Ma Dong responds with a vision of her returning to her village holding some great artifact of her own creation, by which she proves her divine blessing.

Thus, with the aches of travel and pangs of hunger leaving her body, the General Spiritual sets forth to spread the word of Ma Dong. She heads first for the hills, wherein the Bescaled are known to dwell, for they are masters of metal and Artifice. As she travels, she takes a fallen branch, and with her crude stone knife, carves it into a small staff- inscribing upon its surface strange symbols, whose meanings are unknown to her, yet which she instinctively knows will imbue the staff with an enchantment. Though weak (being made from inferior, mundane materials, and empowered only with some of her own (recently augmented) energy), the newly-formed staff of wayfinding aids her in her search for a Bescaled community, and upon finding them, offering the staff as a gift earns her enough respect that she is allowed access to their village.
The Bescaled are sceptical of her claims of divine blessing, but cannot deny her skill at Artifice. Though hesitant to share their secrets, they eventually agree to teach her the basics of forging, in exchange for her aid in enchanting numerous items for the villagers. Her ability to create flasks that (slowly) self-generate water is especially appreciated.

Ma Dong chooses a Shuili Carp at random to be his prophet. The newly appointed General Spiritual travels to a Bescaled village to learn crafting.

Go'Sha, unsatisfied with the destructive power she wields, once more visits the elderly Confubrum, to make use of his forge- which remains the most advanced in the world. The dragon, grateful for the gifts previously granted, is happy to accept the trade of his assistance in exchange for Go'Sha securing his legacy. Between his flame and Go'Sha's own power, they smelt the ores she gathered from the depths of the world (the mere sight of which leaves Confubrum feeling envious). They then hammer and fold the metal over and over, infusing every piece with Go'Sha's destructive power, until it glows a deep red. The thus infused metal is then meticulously joined together, such that each piece fits together just so, until the final piece is fused into place, and the blade is done.
Even Confubrum recoils slightly at the destructive potential that radiates from the finished work. For miles around, the land shakes as Go'Sha grants the weapon its name; Kanahi, the chain blade. Go'Sha gives the blade a few experimental swipes, observing the whip-form respond to her slightest motion, snaking through the air like a living thing, whilst the greatsword-form betrays no hint of its flexible nature, cleaving through rock and metal with minor effort.

Go'Sha leaves, satisfied. The working of such a blade is not without consequence, however, as Confubrum's forge absorbed some of her energy in the process- an energy that will, in small amounts, be granted to any future works created there. Additionally, Go'Sha had strengthened the forge- by necessity, to prevent it from being destroyed by the energies involved-, and this too would linger, ensuring that the forge would outlive many lesser workshops.

Go'Sha creates Kanahi, the chain blade. Confubrum's forge is enhanced with lingering amounts of Go'Sha's energy.

The General Spiritual, after spending seven weeks amongst the Bescaled, finally feels confident enough to produce an artifact that will persuade her former village to listen to her. She joins an expedition into the depths, clambering through the treacherous tunnels in search of Wurm-leavings, to personally select the ores that resonate with her. Despite divine blessings, her luck remains poor, as she is almost trapped by a collapsing tunnel- only her near-immortality allows her to survive, her unbending back holding back the crushing rock, allowing her comrades to scramble to safety before she joins them, the tunnel crumbling moments later. At least this earns her the gratitude of the Bescaled, who offer their assistance in creating her masterpiece.
The Bescaled village is, as so many are, located over a leyline, so as to tap the magical energy for use in Artifice. However, this is not enough for the General. She, accompanied by two Bescaled assistants, travels for two days to a nexus, a point where two leylines cross. A toll is paid to the local dragon for passage, and payment given to the local Bescaled for use of their forge.
The ground rumbles with untapped power as the General Spiritual prepares her tools. A cast is made, and molten metal flows from the furnace. A Hardwood shaft is laid out, and inscribed with many arcane symbols. The cast, suitably cooled, is opened, and the result polished and sharpened, then carefully inlaid with polished gems. The finished product is assembled, and with a final strike of her hammer, the General completes her great work, the Wavecaller's Trident. Though by no means an artifact of godly power, it outclasses most- if not all- artifacts those present have seen.
Suitably impressed, the Bescaled are disappointed when she announces that she must depart, to bring the word of Ma Dong to the Carp. They promise her a warm welcome should she ever return, and provide her with supplies for her journey.

The General Spiritual creates the Wavecaller's Trident, an artifact of moderate strength that can control the waves.

Saraab, not satisfied with the worship of the Star Elves, brings forth a new race to populate the world. The Vrenkriks, he calls them, an insectoid species- albeit one possessed of an internal skeleton-, divided into three sexes. All have six limbs, though the Rau walk on two legs, whereas the Kar and Aehe walk on four. The Rau and Aehe also have wings, giving them limited flight. Above all, they value curiosity and ingenuity, and though their lives are short, they are industrious enough to get much done.
Saraab ensures his new creations are not helpless, by teaching them the basics they will need to know to survive, as well as the secret of glass. They are subsequently set loose.

Quickly, the Vrenkriks spread across the world. The Rau, as natural diplomats, are able to negotiate with other races, securing unclaimed land for the insects to form communities, and learning some of the less jealously-guarded secrets of the other races. The Star Elves are oddly sceptical of the newcomers, and share little with them, but tolerate their presence. The Bescaled eagerly trade their knowledge for the Vrenkriks' glass-working secrets, a trade that the knowledge-loving insects are happy to make. The Carp strike a middle ground, trading in moderate amounts with the insects. Dragons are most enamoured with glass crafts, and impressed by the Rau's eloquence, and so generally amicable relations are formed.

Vrenkriks are created. Vrenkriks learn glassworking, then trade this knowledge with the Bescaled for improved crafting and basic Artifice. The Star Elves are wary of the Vrenkriks, but the other races generally accept them.

Perhaps inspired by Go'Sha's new blade, Bastion decides to enhance his own equipment. However, no mortal substances will suffice for the ambitious Preserver, as he chooses to forge his arms from raw Divine Energy. So it is that two items, bound together, are created; Bastion's Shield and Bastion's Weapon.
The shield presents such an accumulation of Bastion's essence of preservation, that it preserves not only the wielder, but everything in the vicinity. And it does so perfectly- whilst Bastion's Shield is present and active, no change can occur by any mortal means, rendering the surroundings an immutable frozen tableau, where only gods may move.
The weapon, though without permanent form, is at all times a condensation of Bastion's distaste for the Eldritch Threat and its extensions. So great is its power to smite eldritch things that every blow sunders reality down to elementary particles, eliminating any trace of eldritch energy in the process. This does, of course, leave behind a cloud of unbound elementary particles, which tend to have deleterious effects on the surrounding area. Put simply, anything the weapon touches will explode, with the exact intensity of the explosion depending on the energy put into the strike, ranging from 'merely' the equivalent of a large fireball, to the fantasy equivalent of a large nuclear weapon.
Combined, the shield temporarily mitigates the effects of the weapon- the target will still be broken down to elementary particles, but the perfect preservation will prevent it from exploding. However, this will only last as long as the shield is present and active. Divine intervention may 'repair' the damage whilst the shield is active, although this will not be free.

The act of creating the two items is represents a sufficient concentration of divine energy to attract the attention of the Eldritch Threat, even through the Wall of Stars. The weakening of reality allows for a small amount of eldritch energy to squeeze through the Wall. Some of it coalesces into a formless mass in Bastion's vicinity. Eagerly, the god tries out his new toys, freezing the being in place with his shield, then smiting it with the temporarily sabre-shaped weapon.
Down on the world, the evening sky is lit up by a burst of light, triggering lightning, causing magical items to buzz briefly, and disrupting a Go'Sha disciple's fireball spell (resulting in them getting torn to pieces by a Crottathal).

Bastion creates Bastion's Shield and Bastion's Weapon, two items of ludicrous power (described above).
A small amount of Eldritch energy passes through the Wall of Stars. Bastion smites the resulting Eldritch Being.

Anath, with Kamoan's assistance, creates a cavalcade of birds, of every shape and size- all the world finds itself host to some number of feathered beasties. Several species possess limited magical powers, including three notable ones: the Thunderbeak, largest of all birds, whose command of lightning allows it to lord over others; the Magpie, with an uncanny ability to locate precious objects, which it secrets away in well-hidden nests; and the Star-Owl, an exclusively nocturnal beast that can wrap itself in shadows to avoid detection.

Birds are created.

Ventura, adopting their female aspect, manifests before her worshippers in the Hidden Wind Temple. She offers a covenant to the assembled Star Elves- a somewhat larger crowd than she expected, as numerous elven astrologers predicted some momentous event would occur-, conditioned on her primacy amongst gods, respecting the winds and wonders of the world, fighting the Eldritch, and drinking no water not of the skies. This last condition causes some concern, resulting in an especially brave worshipper asking whether this also covers alcoholic drinks. Upon the clarification that alcoholic beverages are acceptable, the majority of those present agree to the covenant. Divine energy spills forth from Ventura's manifestation, infusing the elves.
Ventura warns that failure to abide by her rules will see them stripped of their powers, only to be regained by ascending Stormheight.

The Covenant-Elves, after testing their new powers of wind manipulation and weather augury, return to their normal lives.

The Covenant of Winds is created.

The General Spiritual looks upon the village that exiled her with trepidation, yet strides forth without hesitation, trident in hand.
Initially, the villagers do not recognise her, for in the months she had been absent she had undergone many changes- her frail body now the picture of health, her posture now imbued with certainty and power-, but the pattern of her pale scales is unchanged, betraying her identity. An angry villager demands she leave, threatening violence. The assembled crowd agrees. The General says nothing, but pushes through them, headed for the shoreline. Her boldness stuns the villagers for a moment, but soon a few make to restrain her. She simply carries on, dragging the bewildered Carp with her until they let go. A few throw stones, which she does not react to, as they bounce off harmlessly.
Upon reaching the rocky beach, she extends the trident towards the sea, which is fairly calm. Subsequently, the waters start to churn, forming a swirling whirlpool. The General turns to the villagers, who are displaying a degree of sense by standing back, then swipes the trident towards them. A spiralling spout of water extends from the sea, and mimics the trident's motion, the frothing tip passing scant centimetres before the assembled faces. The spout then descends over the General, then rises into the air, carrying her upwards.
Towering over the beach, the General Spiritual proclaims herself the messenger of Ma Dong, her voice possessed of a booming quality that drowns out the roar of water. The villagers cower in fear, and quickly agree to follow her guidance.

Though the villagers follow her through fear at first, they come to respect her in time. After instructing them in the proper way of worshipping Ma Dong, she appoints a patriarch to guide the village in prayer, then journeys on to the next village, and the next, and the next. She is not entirely alone in her efforts to convert the Carp; she appoints especially fervent followers as missionaries, who spread the word on her behalf. Still, it takes many years, but her inexhaustible stamina and the fact that the Carp are mostly confined to the shores (making them relatively easy to track down) means that eventually the refined gospel of Ma Dong is heard by Carp all over the world.

The structured and widespread (albeit not especially fervent) worship generates a tide of Belief that flows Ma Dong's way, greatly increasing his strength.

The General Spiritual teaches Carp all over the world the correct way to worship Ma Dong. Ma Dong gains 2 strength from the improved worship.

Trade between mortals continues to grow. Metalworking is disseminated amongst all races, although the Bescaled remain the most skilled. Likewise, primitive construction and alcohol-production become widespread, although the Elves retain the upper hand in both areas. This widespread dissemination of knowledge is in no small part thanks to the Vrenkriks, who are eager students and teachers equally- eventually even the Elves overcome their caution and agree to trade with the insectoids.

All small mortals learn basic metalworking, construction, and brewing.

The Star Elves, running into a bottleneck in resources, seek more reliable food sources. They seek inspiration both in the stars, and more pragmatically, and through some combination of the two, apply the same breeding techniques used on Antelope to plants. In a few short decades, this already results in more bountiful fruit trees, and a variant of Wildfire Grass with a less destructive, more productive life cycle- producing a more substantial amount of grain, that makes harvesting it viable as a primary food source, rather than a mere dietary supplement.
These selected plants are grown around temples, so as to be easily accessible. This leads to some elves spending all their time tending the crops, rather than moving around. In due time, this leads to truly settled communities.

Star Elves develop plant breeding, rudimentary agriculture, and form settled communities (although many remain nomadic).

The advent of organised religion amongst the Carp drives further development of construction skills, as they seek to create more suitable monuments to Ma Dong and their departed ancestors. With metal tools, working stone becomes more practical, and so stone shrines become a common sight in Carp villages. These physical manifestations of devotion channel more Belief to Ma Dong, though not quite in sufficient quantities to notably bolster his strength (more impressive edifices might, however).

Carp build stone shrines to Ma Dong.

The Bescaled, running into a similar bottleneck to the Star Elves, develop closer ties with them, trading metal ores and crafts for surplus food, in turn allowing for more Bescaled to work as tunnel-delvers and metal-workers. Their contact with dragons leads to Bescaled villages creating (underground, hidden) 'hoards' of trade goods and preserved food, allowing them to build up wealth to see them through hard times. Some Bescaled villages become very wealthy in this manner- although they must ever be mindful of displaying their wealth openly, lest a dragon take note.

Bescaled stockpile valuables and preserve food, building up insurance against hard times, allowing villages to expand.

The Vrenkrik, after getting their bearings in the world, burst forth in a flurry of activity. Vrenkrik settlements grow quickly, and though some fail, their short life cycle ensures they rapidly repopulate. 'Scholars', typically Aehe (though Rau and Kar are not excluded), spend time observing the world, and sharing their findings with their fellows. The various forms of magic are of particular interest to these scholars- even though Vrenkriks are not naturally talented in the arcane arts. Those blessed with Destruction magic experiment wildly, and develop all manner of newfangled ways of destroying things, especially focusing on efficient use of magic- why use a massive fireball when a narrow dart works just as well? This all requires worship of Go'Sha, of course, which the Vrenkriks are happy to do in exchange for access to the magic- their devotion is sufficient to increase Go'Sha's strength.
Students of Artifice try out many different crafting techniques and materials- and power sources, as unlike the Bescaled (or the other races, for that matter), the Vrenkriks do not have notable amounts of inherent magical power to draw on, meaning without some external power source, they cannot create artifacts. Leylines are an obvious source, and any unclaimed nexuses are quickly colonised by Vrenkrik artificers. The presence of the Neverending Storm was found to aid in the creation of Artifice as well, although after several scholars got themselves killed getting struck by lightning, this was deemed a poor avenue of study- especially considering how unreliable its presence was.
Other forms of magic prove more elusive- the Elves refuse to share the secrets of Land Magic with them, and unguided experimentation proved insufficient to unlock even the basics. Kamoanian Kents and the magic contained within were of great interest to the Vrenkriks, who eagerly traded vast fortunes with any dragon willing to part with one. However, their one-use nature and relative scarcity meant that rigorous study was difficult- it was rare for a scholar to encounter more than one in their lifetime.
(True Name Magic remains entirely unknown to the mortals of the world)
Some Vrenkriks go to great lengths in their search for sources of magical power, but without a reliable way of storing knowledge- word of mouth being inefficient-, these efforts are not successful.

Vrenkriks spread rapidly. Vrenkrik scholars study magic intently, although with limited results. Go'Sha gains 1 strength from their intent study of Destruction Magic.

Dragons continue their efforts to earn the cooperation of lesser mortals. Perseverance pays off, to a degree, as several form Confubrum-esque relations with tribes of Bescaled. Others form profitable trading relations with far-flung villages- their speed and carrying capacity allowing them to transport goods between villages more effectively than mortal traders, and their imposing size and strength ensuring that they generally get the better end of the bargain. Many stick to the extortion however, a strategy that is not unsuccessful- with more wealth being generated and transported, the trickle of tolls and tributes is enough to fill out a moderate hoard. Mud-dragons become an increasingly rare sight.

Dragons keep on keeping on.

Confubrum, now quite old, feels that his death draws near. He informs his vassals- who by now have lived under his rule for generations- of his imminent passing, resulting in great concern. They readily agree to follow his successor, whoever that may be. Confubrum indicates that Go'Sha will arrange the succession, praying to her to choose wisely from amongst his children.

Confubrum is dying. Go'Sha has been asked to choose his successor(s).

Other than the reaction to Bastion's provocation, the Eldritch Threat remains quiet for many years. Eventually, however, it acts. A single star- one of thousands- shakes violently, then breaks loose, plummeting towards the sun. Its absence is not nearly enough to break the Wall of Stars, or even weaken it noticeably. However, the star moves with apparent purpose, evading the lifeless planets, and heading for the inhabited world. It sheds mass as it falls, and by the time it reaches the world is not nearly enough to threaten it significantly. Still, its impact creates a substantial crater, a hundred meters in diameter, and causes a fair amount of devastation to the surrounding lands- equivalent to the eruption of a volcano.
After the initial shock has passed, curious mortals converge on the crater. There, in the center, shines a massive gemstone of incalculable beauty- and unparalleled power. A dragon swoops in to claim it- but is quickly attacked by a second. A third takes advantage, attempting to sneak in and grab it- but faces the bronze spears of a tribe of Bescaled, mesmerised by the glittering prize. A gaggle of Vrenkrik linger on the edge of the crater, watching carefully. A Star Elf delegation, drawn here by the disruption of their astronomical predictions, marches forth confidently to claim what is, after all, a relic of their god's domain.

The conflict attracts the attention of the gods, but not necessarily out of concern for the combat itself- such things happen, and the gods could hardly hope to intervene in every skirmish or scuffle in the world. It is the Fallen Star- the 13th Fallen Star- that worries them. For though it is very faint, it harbours the unmistakable influence of the Eldritch.

A 13th Fallen Star lands on the world. It harbours Eldritch energy.

Right. Well. Took me a while, but here you go. Hopefully the next update won't take quite as long.

Let me know if you think I missed something- quite possible, given how long it took me to write.

Links: OOC thread, Discord.

Spoiler: God Statuses (click to show/hide)
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Candles In The Dark (IC Thread)(Turn 6)
« Reply #116 on: August 20, 2019, 05:38:21 am »

A 13th Fallen Star lands on the world. It harbours Eldritch energy.

"That belongs in a museum beyond the reach of mortals."
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Candles In The Dark (IC Thread)(Turn 6)
« Reply #117 on: August 20, 2019, 07:31:05 am »

A 13th Fallen Star lands on the world. It harbours Eldritch energy.

"That belongs in a museum beyond the reach of mortals."

The Dong one is mostly right. As terrifying as it may be in the hands of say a dragon or a single race, I would like for the mortals to study it in hopes of discovering what it means. ((and to move the plot forward))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Candles In The Dark (IC Thread)(Turn 6)
« Reply #118 on: August 20, 2019, 07:40:47 am »

Should I go destroy it?
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.

Elvish Miner

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Candles In The Dark (IC Thread)(Turn 6)
« Reply #119 on: August 20, 2019, 11:55:38 am »

Go'sha scowls. "This is not up for debate. If it is tainted by the eldritch being, it must be destroyed."
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