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Author Topic: What's going on in your fort?  (Read 5931251 times)


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28995 on: May 02, 2013, 08:14:26 am »

Murder of giant crow corpses murdered my only woodcutter. This new fort is off to great, great start.
Are weapons like the least lethal thing in DF?


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28996 on: May 02, 2013, 10:11:40 am »

My current mayor, Adil Ladlarmeng, is not the most popular of mayors, it seems. He hasn't done anything significant, that I know of to earn that, but when I had his bedroom engraved one of the engravers depicted Adil surrounded by large roaches, looking terrified. Roaches are something Adil absolutely detests.
Sounds like a large roach statue is in order.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28997 on: May 02, 2013, 05:07:25 pm »

My intended surface fort is happily exploring the caverns, and my intended cavern fort is happily building surface pastures.


PDF urist master

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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28998 on: May 02, 2013, 07:50:54 pm »

i sent my less experience squad against a goblin bowmen ambush to protect a dwarven liasion (not sure if it was worth it) i had marksdwarf backup as always. one sworddwarf died due to a broken heart, and a speardwarf is the hospital from a fractured liver.

i'm not exactly sure if it'll kill him. i read the wiki that an injury greater than yellow to the liver is a mortal wound, but so far he hasn't died yet.
We are not evil by choice, but evil by necessity.

Eric Blank

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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28999 on: May 02, 2013, 07:54:24 pm »

My vampire somehow managed to get herself stuck in the drainage channel for the waterfalls. This presents a serious problem in getting her out alive. She's very close the the bottom of the drain pipe and may fall out into the caverns.


Well, I figured out how the vampire wound up down there, and rescued her. Kinda. It took weeks for someone to finally come drag her to the hospital. Weeks after I finally got the flow of water to cease. Damn near lost her. Her upper spine was broken in the accident, as well as her wrist, which became infected before the doctors could take a look at it. I'm concerned that if that doesn't heal she'll die, and in the meantime I will be unable to use her in a well of undeath to convert my entire populace into vampires. Which is probably not for the best, but it's always nice to have the option, you know? So now she's a worthless vegetable.

Additionally, I got some work done on the outer walls, and managed to gather some wood without being set ablaze. still haven't seen a second pack of wild dragon men yet, and the berserk, trained dragon men are apparently sterile. This saddens me greatly. However, the good news is that I got another strange mood; yet another glassmaker! And also a woman. This is either beyond coincidence and the RNG is really screwing with me here, or I somehow got a massive ratio of women to men in my glassmaker group. And a lot more glassmakers than I'd realized.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2013, 01:04:12 am by Eric Blank »
I make Spellcrafts!
I have no idea where anything is. I have no idea what anything does. This is not merely a madhouse designed by a madman, but a madhouse designed by many madmen, each with an intense hatred for the previous madman's unique flavour of madness.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #29000 on: May 03, 2013, 07:09:06 am »

At first, shortly:
I got more migrants (here were 38 dwarves now), I got 200k dwarfbuck worth fortress, 4 marksdorfs and 3 novice speardorfs.
I mudded 76x72 tile room for some tress, moss and shrubs.
I also found candy and I was examining, where is safe to bite this. I got 4 chunks of it (first time in DF at all!), but still not used to make some useful things.

An ambush happened, gobbos were mostly killed by my marksdorfs from wall, but I decided to kill one with novice speardorfs, all of them, three, were killed...

It's Happening!

Few kids are throwing tantrum and one of adults became berserk and is now pincushion for my marksdorfs... That means more unhappy dwarves...What do?

Edit1: 2 kids got melancholy and 1 kid got berserk, oh and one got crazy.
Edit2: Goblin spearman, who was chasing elf merchant, got close to fort and killed another kid. I'm taking now 4 ecstatic dorfes in safer place and I'm going to seal them of from madland.
Edit3: I got these 4 dwarves in safe place. # harpies, unlike 2 earlier, came to fort in right (for them) time.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2013, 07:34:09 am by Volfgarix »


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #29001 on: May 03, 2013, 07:14:39 am »

Burrow the happiest dwarves in a walled off section of the fortress if it gets worse.  And hope they don't have any friends who go bonkers.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #29002 on: May 03, 2013, 07:50:34 am »

Burrow the happiest dwarves in a walled off section of the fortress if it gets worse.  And hope they don't have any friends who go bonkers.
I'm trying it, but one of them got unhappy, we will see, what happen. I also ordered miner to dig in candy in search of total FUN, now I need to wall of all rooms, which I need for these happy dorfes, now only doors are blocking them.

Edit1: Clowns discovered, around 100 of them. I throwed my miner into military to defend place (FUN!).
Edit2: FPS slowed from 50(capped, I usually play on weaker computer)  to around 10 due to fire demon sitting in cavern's water, evaporating it.
Edit3: FIRE! Fire everywhere in caverns! Wait, rather in part of it.
Edit4: It's tell that fishmen were catched in flames, hehe. Clown didn't still got in my fort.
Edit5: I removed floor hatch from stairs. so clown's patchfinding managed to find my fortress (I'm learning many things!). First clown got in the fortress and killed turkey pet.
Edit6: Few winged clowns are making party on surface. I mentioned crundles being kicked by clowns?
Edit7:Fort's population is lowering. 3 of 4 walled of dwarves are unhappy, one tantruming. FIRE! Fire in all caverns! Rutherers are attacked by clowns!
Edit8: Everybody not walled out are dead. I doored off the unhappy walled off, one of them got berserk and was killed. Only mason and her baby are quite content.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2013, 09:10:14 am by Volfgarix »


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #29003 on: May 03, 2013, 08:12:28 am »

In five years, i had trade messed up by goblin ambushes three times now. And that's not high traffic, it's just a somewhat permissive depot construction. Current tally: dwarven population 30, of which fourteen are children; own losses so far: three; two dead and one abducted (goddamn kids bounce out of the protected field whenever their mother has business at the depot; pfft, at least she's happy to be free). Merchants and guards killed: six. Dead goblins: 69. Captured and imprisoned in the salt mines: 12. Ran away: probably another eighty.

But most gripping was the story of little Kogan Atîsstâkud; his mother decided to re-load a cage trap, and even though the trap field had been forbidden in light of a nearby goblin archer ambush, she just went to the trap anyway. She bravely blocked some shots (with Kogan), then caught three bolts and fell unconscious. On top of a weapon trap, which promptly quartered her. Kogan, however, managed to crawl out of the traps before falling unconscious and despite his wounded left lung and broken arm made it past various other traps and back to the fortress proper. He kept crawling through the meeting hall, mostly ignored by the other fort citizens. As per usual, he was given water _once_ (the second time i've witnessed this - thirsty babies are given water/food _once_, but if that doesn't buy them enough time to make it to their first birthday, they're out of luck, a second assistance job won't be generated; it seems that prisoners are suffering from the same problem), almost two months before his birthday. At the beginning of the month of Timber, he was already quite thirsty, by the fifth he was dehydrated, and still ten days to go. When the dwarven caravan arrived, i kept checking the date frantically; finally the fifteenth arrived, and Kogan celebrated his first birthday - by going to 'rest', which promptly got him whisked away to the hospital and provided with much needed water. The baroness personally fixed his broken arm and graciously spent some time with him to comfort him. That's actually the first orphaned baby i had survive to childhood.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #29004 on: May 03, 2013, 11:00:00 am »

Testing a design for a compact water cannon, almost finished but have to leave for an appointment, Now I'll be thinking about it the rest of the day.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #29005 on: May 03, 2013, 11:34:31 am »

Told my metalcrafter to make gold coins/r, to train up his skill. Accidentally left it on for a year. Now I'm out of gold. Fortunately, I have tons more gold veins for digging.
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I suggest that we add a clause permitting the keelhauling of anyone who suggests a plan involving "zombify the crew".
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #29006 on: May 03, 2013, 01:58:00 pm »

Smelt 'em down. Coins are wonderful for that.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #29007 on: May 03, 2013, 02:09:31 pm »

OK, let's generate a world.

Beasts: High
Natural Savagery: High
History: Medium

The world-gen ends up on the Second Age of Legends. Never seen that one before. I wonder if it went Myth - Legends - Myth - Legends or Myth - Legends - Heroes - Legends.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #29008 on: May 03, 2013, 02:24:00 pm »

I have captured and tamed Fole Ofirano Lawebiranÿi, Fole Sizzlewealth the Warm Treasures, the dragon. Sadly, Fole is male. Should a female companion happen to enter my map, I will do everything in my might to capture her and keep my fort a live for a thousand years.
Veni, Vidi, Pompeii.
Soylent Green is kittens!
Sometimes, when my Dorfs are exceptionally stupid again, I wonder what exactly the [INTELLIGENT]-tag does.

Eric Blank

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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #29009 on: May 03, 2013, 02:25:50 pm »

"The King has arrived with his full entourage. You are now a mountainhome."


I wasn't ready for this. I had no idea! I've made no plans, so many of my upper class dwarves have housing "above their station." I don't even have a baron or count yet! I... I've never been the mountainhome before! In four years of DF, I've never gone through the effort to attract the monarch, nor had them show up just for the hell of it.

He's going to go insane and die within the next eight months, I just know it. In the meantime, I've commandeered the vampire mayor's mansion for him to stay in. Hope to gods he likes turkey hen egg roasts... I've assigned the elite marksdwarf that showed up with him to the captain of the ranger squad. He's brought with him many legendary warriors, in fact. They will be training my squads, I suppose.


Shortly after his arrival, the militia got a test of their new leadership in the form of 4-5 dragonman platoons ambushing. Overall, the militia performed well, despite a squad of swordsmen making it through the main gate unimpeded. The melee squads engaged them in the halls around the trade depot, and despite injuries, fires started in the cave moss covering the floor, and general confusion they massacred the lot of 'em. The other squads assaulted the trap bridge entrance, and although some were caught in cages, two of the squads were led by elite bowmen who fired on my rangers stationed on the walls, injuring the new ranger captain who didn't even bring ammunition to return fire. Eventually they were captured or killed, their squads routed by the marksdwarves and the forests cleared of the scaly menace. Without massive forest fires this time, to boot. Aside form the injuries I'm only aware of a single death; a glassmaker caught in the moss fires.

The king has settled in to a degree, and is surprisingly willing to work his trade as a weaver among other things. I've disabled his other labors. So far, he's content, and his only mandate has been for a splint, which I immediately had cast of gold. Because we have a hell of a lot of gold.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2013, 03:08:47 pm by Eric Blank »
I make Spellcrafts!
I have no idea where anything is. I have no idea what anything does. This is not merely a madhouse designed by a madman, but a madhouse designed by many madmen, each with an intense hatred for the previous madman's unique flavour of madness.
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