@loud whisper
evil embark im guessing? never played one of those before, but i think evil embarks are unique in that it warrants the construction of traps throughout your fort, even in secure areas inside, as well as complex extensive lockdown systems for parts of the fort (in addition to refuse disposal).
And... always keep an eye on animals with short life spans like rats, may as well magma pit those alive if you dont have a meat industry anyway. Bad luck, "fun".
For my fort, stockadeSprayed is under siege again after a calm year of relative peace, by the standard force of unmounted goblins and trolls (the goblins have not had mounts since their law-giver/only leader was captured in a siege a few years back). I was going to try out my new bridge-pit drowning trap (that i previously would not have tried due to bridge-disabling mounts), but have not yet completed all the cage traps, and so i will relay on my cage-maze/drowning maze to capture them.
My fort has undergone some major changes the last year, the most noticeable is the relocation of the corpse grinders, the re-organization of the hospital (that increased it's capacity by over 300%), the construction of the giant cave spider silk farm, and major stockpile/workshop reorganization that would increase efficiency.
well, the force of darkness is upon us, hopefully it will go well with most of the goblins being caged, and few drowning. I need live prisoners of war to test out my new magma-cooker chamber, and weaponized deadly dust forgotten beast rotting chamber.