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Author Topic: Mostly Minimalistic Multiversal Team-based PVP RTD: Briefcase of Bees Edition  (Read 55677 times)

sprinkled chariot

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Re: Mostly Minimalistic Multiversal Team-based PVP RTD
« Reply #210 on: May 30, 2018, 02:10:50 am »

Blue sikkrit plan, orangians no go here

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Re: Mostly Minimalistic Multiversal Team-based PVP RTD
« Reply #211 on: May 30, 2018, 03:05:04 am »

Infiltrate the infirmary to drink as much blood as possible!
If I can't drink away everything, corrupt the blood packs with dark vampire magic!
Pounded in the Butt by my own Government... oh wait, that's real life.

Much less active than I used to be on these forums, but I still visit them on occasion. Will probably resume my activity in full once Dwarf Fortress will be released on Steam.


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Re: Mostly Minimalistic Multiversal Team-based PVP RTD
« Reply #212 on: May 30, 2018, 08:49:02 am »

[Goes to reread the rules]

Really hope this doesn't backfire, Finish the Ritual for my Automaton

edit: um, where are the rules for this game?
This would be all fine and dandy, but someone got a 7 involving you.

Use the magic box
You grab some sort of sniper rifle from the box. (I honestly can't gun. Go find some sniper gun thing you like and i will say you got that one.)

>Kill Generic Druid D with my Soma LMG
You shoot and [4] miss, but there are side effects due to the 7...


Get back to my base.
You get back to base, just in time to see the fires get worse again.

go back to trenches to dig the secret tunnel to the blue base
You dig about halfway there.

Get back on the hunt.
You put down the turret parts to go hunting and see the ritual going wrong.

Blue sikkrit plan, orangians no go here

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Infiltrate the infirmary to drink as much blood as possible!
If I can't drink away everything, corrupt the blood packs with dark vampire magic!

You go to Orongus's infirmary and get there just in time to see the ritual in there go horribly wrong.

The Ritual

Generic Druid D was weaving his dark magic in a attempt to get himself a servant from the remains of his enemy. The ritual had started well, but now it was being a bit rowdy, not that he thought anything of it. Nearby was THE SARGE, aiming his M16A4 for the perfect shot, hoping to take out Generic Druid D in one go. Unknown to both of them, Sandro's soul that THE SARGE was carrying around was having a unique effect on the ritual. After a bit more consideration, THE SARGE took the shot, but Generic Druid D had noticed him at the last moment and dived out of the way, letting go of the ritual. In any other circumstance, the ritual would have just harmlessly dissipated, with no-one worse for the wear, but this is where the presence of Sandro changed things. The ritual kept going on it's own, destroying Cas's body for more fuel, and bring up something that died long ago. Soon, the magic finally dissipated, showing a Necrodragon, brought back to life years after it's death to destroy.

The Necrodragon will attack everybody, regardless of their team. It can attack 2 people per turn, and will take 4 injures to take down.

Spoiler: Structures (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Bluian Coalition (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Orongus Legion (click to show/hide)

Grover Cleveland Joins the Orangus Legion at a kinda bad time!
D-1861 Joins the Orangus Legion at a kinda bad time!

Also how many people are alive on the orange team because looking at the list it looks like everyone dead.
4 people at the moment, before it was averaging 2 people.


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Re: Mostly Minimalistic Multiversal Team-based PVP RTD
« Reply #214 on: May 30, 2018, 09:33:08 am »

finish the tunnel to the blue base
GG, Ziizo. May my spirit live on in your boobs.


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Re: Mostly Minimalistic Multiversal Team-based PVP RTD
« Reply #215 on: May 30, 2018, 09:43:07 am »

Sacrifice myself to myself in order to become immortal.
Roll to Multitask, seeking new players.
Yeah sorry, someone blew up a street in my state and took the internet down for multiple days with it.
This really happened. 2020 was wild.


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Re: Mostly Minimalistic Multiversal Team-based PVP RTD
« Reply #216 on: May 30, 2018, 09:50:19 am »

>Grab my Soma, and fire as much bullets as I can at that thing. Also look for a RPG in the armory.
it's over

Enemy post

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Re: Mostly Minimalistic Multiversal Team-based PVP RTD
« Reply #217 on: May 30, 2018, 10:09:34 am »

Put out the fire.
My mods and forum games.
Enemy post has claimed the title of Dragonsong the Harmonic of Melodious Exaltion!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mostly Minimalistic Multiversal Team-based PVP RTD
« Reply #218 on: May 30, 2018, 01:27:07 pm »

Don't care about the dragon atm.
Drink as much blood as possible.
Corrupt the remaining bloodpacks.
Pounded in the Butt by my own Government... oh wait, that's real life.

Much less active than I used to be on these forums, but I still visit them on occasion. Will probably resume my activity in full once Dwarf Fortress will be released on Steam.


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Re: Mostly Minimalistic Multiversal Team-based PVP RTD
« Reply #219 on: May 30, 2018, 02:58:39 pm »

This is Karma! Good going 0cra.

Damn, I retreat to live another day. Meanwhile, I'll cast Physic on anyone who takes damage fighting that thing.

I'll also try to focus on my ancient magics this turn to see if I can call up a Seraphim Spell next turn. Or Ragnarok for that matter.

sprinkled chariot

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Re: Mostly Minimalistic Multiversal Team-based PVP RTD
« Reply #220 on: May 30, 2018, 03:06:57 pm »

Curse druid with constant painful shitting 


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Re: Mostly Minimalistic Multiversal Team-based PVP RTD
« Reply #221 on: May 30, 2018, 03:26:21 pm »

Curse druid with constant painful shitting

+1 also sigged
it's over


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mostly Minimalistic Multiversal Team-based PVP RTD
« Reply #222 on: May 30, 2018, 05:55:23 pm »

Open fire on Necrodragon.
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.

King Zultan

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Re: Mostly Minimalistic Multiversal Team-based PVP RTD
« Reply #223 on: May 30, 2018, 10:02:26 pm »

Drive the Oldsmobile into the garage and get out and take the MG-42 off the other car and be ready to shoot any one who is not on my side.

Also now the orange team has two cars in the garage, a 1961 Lincoln Continental SS-100-X and a 1972 Oldsmobile Cutlass.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mostly Minimalistic Multiversal Team-based PVP RTD
« Reply #224 on: May 31, 2018, 08:12:44 am »

Start fortifying the base
This goes here, that goes there, and done! (Blue base gain reinforced)

finish the tunnel to the blue base
You use Mac's work to hide the entrance to the tunnel. Now, what to due with all the rocks and dirt you dug up...

Sacrifice myself to myself in order to become immortal.
That isn't something you can just do that with no work whatsoever. You would need help from Sandro or Generic Druid D to even figure out what you would need to do that.

>Grab my Soma, and fire as much bullets as I can at that thing. Also look for a RPG in the armory.
You run away shooting.

[6] You miss, and the Necrodragon doesn't take kindly to this, and attacks you back.

[4] Thankfully, it misses you by a inch.

Put out the fire.
You just follow Mac and put out the fires as you go.

Don't care about the dragon atm.
Drink as much blood as possible.
Corrupt the remaining bloodpacks.

It turns out that there was only one blood pack, Cas destroyed all the others already. You drink it.

This is Karma! Good going 0cra.

Damn, I retreat to live another day. Meanwhile, I'll cast Physic on anyone who takes damage fighting that thing.

I'll also try to focus on my ancient magics this turn to see if I can call up a Seraphim Spell next turn. Or Ragnarok for that matter.
You run away. It would take around 2 turns to use Seraphim as you don't have the tome. Ragnarok is just a bad idea, with a good chance of just killing you instead of your target.

Curse druid with constant painful shitting 
You prepare the spell, you now just need to wait to revive before it will take effect.

Open fire on Necrodragon.
You miss. You think such a big target would be easier to hit.

Drive the Oldsmobile into the garage and get out and take the MG-42 off the other car and be ready to shoot any one who is not on my side.

Also now the orange team has two cars in the garage, a 1961 Lincoln Continental SS-100-X and a 1972 Oldsmobile Cutlass.
[5] (so many cars)
You park it and grab the MG-42.

The Necrodragon attacks Slicer Shadow [5] and misses!
The Necrodragon attacks Nix [1] and kills them!

Spoiler: Structures (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Bluian Coalition (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Orongus Legion (click to show/hide)
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