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Author Topic: Face Palm moments you had in Dwarf Fortress  (Read 2131049 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Face Palm moments you had
« Reply #10080 on: April 11, 2017, 11:32:51 am »

not  in-game, but I had a dream last night that I was gong to a Jurassic Park-type place. And, in Jurassic Park fashion, it all went to hell. It ended up with a group of survivors bunkered down in a building, waiting for help to show up. It was a weird mix of Jurassic Park apocalypse with Dwarf Fortress, overhead caging rules for all kinds of chickens and other small animals that never showed up as I was "seeing" in my dream, but I kept putting them in cages. and for some reason a few pokemon sprites showed up as I was caging everything.

There was a moment where the "I can make it" tough guy trope decided to unbar the front door and make a break for it, only for the silhouette of the dino that spits and has the neck frills show up and spit all over him the instant he went out the door. Screams, crunches, death, relocking the door.

Then, at the end, right before help arrived, I saw a pair of reptilian hands rise up, slowly, in horror movie fashion, and slowly move aside some stuff that had been blocking a pit. And, in horror movie fashion, nobody saw the three reptilian things until they came out of the ground, and bit one of the survivors in the leg. These things were humanoid reptilian, and ALL teeth.

I remember screaming "Is this vampire rules?" as the three things came for the rest of us.

Then, in the way only a dream can, the name of what they were appeared over their head. "Crundle."

Instantly not terrified at all, the non-bitten survivors proceeded to curbstomp them. Didn't find out what happened next, because I woke up.
Quote from: Meph
I didn't actually say this.

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there is nothing funnier than watching a goblin army get assaulted by hundreds of war chickens.

Any new discovery, sufficiently weaponize, is indistinguishable from !!FUN!!


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Face Palm moments you had
« Reply #10081 on: May 01, 2017, 08:25:44 pm »

So kind of a long winded face palm.. but really irked me with the fun I had... I revisited DF as I do from time to time to check out the new features etc, and decided to find a good embark, got my iron and flux stone using DFHack, wanted to get a full clad steel squad up and going as quick as I could.  Got 5 semi trained and kitted out relatively well.  This embark was flat, no hills or Z changes, so I build a stone ring around my fortress entrance leaving a 3 wide gap for caravans, knowing I'd come back in a month or two in game time after I had the mechanisms built to get the bridge complete with lever so I could seal off if needed.  My past fortresses on earlier versions have been pretty chill since the goblin sieges/ambushes stopped coming super early in game time, only the odd lycan once I ding the value point etc, nothing too crazy, needless to say I was a bit.. lax on my defensive preparations, even though I really knew better.  Suddenly I am playing around with getting my paper industry off the ground and library and tavern etc (new features to me so wanted to check them out)  and boom, zombie siege.  No biggie I thought to myself, I'll get the squad up and ..damn can't close the bridge up.. no way to put a mechanic that close and it would take too long.  So I scramble to get some dorfs up and build a makeshift wall to cover the gap, finally I go to units to see how many of these zombies to expect, thinking I wouldn't see more than a handful or two, boy was I wrong.. Page after page after page of kitted out zombies, elves, humans, dwarves, but mostly elves..  They began they're slow walk to the opening before i could get the third wall section up and my melee dworfs, green kitted in steel with spears and axes charge headlong into the thick of them.  At that point I basically thought the fortress was over, I had no tertiary way to close off the fort at the time with them so close, and they were a rather impressive horde.  A battle of nothing less than epic proportions ensued as my dorfs waded through them in quick fashion, at least in the beginning, one by one though they would get caught and killed, at the end of the fight there were only two of my 5 melee dorfs left, each survivor had about 2 dozen kills under their belt, and they weren't there until the battle was already well under way.  Suddenly the game starts freezing and dies, I had forgot to turn on saves in LNP and had lost an entire fortress due to the fact I had just let the game run and only paused when I would step away or sleep, etc.. all of that hard work and dwarven badassery covering for my screw ups lost..   


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Face Palm moments you had
« Reply #10082 on: May 02, 2017, 03:34:36 pm »

My 16 head strong new fort was going strong and developing fast when a new migrantwave aproached.
And truth to be hold, 18new heads, many of my former fort. Masters and legendaries in mining, wood and stone crafting carpentry, soldiers, glass metal, clothier leather full program.

I satrted to0 grin upon this to good to be true package. It was to good to be true. A were-bear appeared and slauthered near all of them including 2 of my own. I am instantly thrown back to 15 heads.
The beast in question made the flaw to transform back inside my fortress. Into a dirty human. I took all that remained ito squads and ordered her to be beaten to death by the entire Fortress.

Now i only need to think up what to do with my fallen kin... and the corpse of that.... thing....
Alone because of that insult i should declare war against the humans.

//Edit: The fort has fallen, unbeknownst to the survivors a sole farmer had been bitten by the beast without telling. When the next full moon hit she transformed and turned the feasting dwarfes remaining in the halls into a paste across the tables and walls of the former hall. Leaving only the mason producing coffins in the workshop alive along with a crippled miner.
The brave girl in question lost in sheer rage couldnt take it any longer and despite being crippled and the farmer dwarf turned back she unleashed all her fury upon him stabbing and tearing him to shreds with her pickaxe screaming before she fell from her pains.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2017, 04:07:10 pm by Astrid »


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Re: Face Palm moments you had
« Reply #10083 on: May 04, 2017, 09:47:54 pm »

Was wondering why the elf caravan had no path to my depot, checked on it... Well, the dwarf caravan was still there from the previous autumn... Trapped between two drawbridges, starving and dehydrating and a few animals had dropped dead... Thank god the trader was just the glassmaker, we've got more than enough glass and glass accessories.
Quote from: Cptn Kaladin Anrizlokum
I threw night creature blood into a night creature's heart and she pulled it out and bled to death.
Quote from: Eric Blank
Places to jibber madly at each other, got it
Quote from: NJW2000
If any of them are made of fire, throw stuff, run, and think non-flammable thoughts.
Re: Face Palm moments you had
« Reply #10084 on: May 08, 2017, 09:02:22 pm »

Had a peasant just doing nothing. Made him Militia Captain. He was training for two days, goes to my stockpile to get something to eat and gets killed by a barrel of beer falling on him from above as the minecart was being dumped into the pile.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Face Palm moments you had
« Reply #10085 on: May 08, 2017, 09:18:19 pm »

Had a peasant just doing nothing. Made him Militia Captain. He was training for two days, goes to my stockpile to get something to eat and gets killed by a barrel of beer falling on him from above as the minecart was being dumped into the pile.

"Don't ferget yer beer! .... Uhm.... I didn't see anythin'. Died of alcohol poisoning he did. Honest."

Rusty Shackleford

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Re: Face Palm moments you had
« Reply #10086 on: May 08, 2017, 11:53:47 pm »

Decided to have the bottom of an active dump chute smoothed out and engraved because even garbage chutes should have class... My best engraver went down to do his thing and got maimed and killed by terminal velocity two-legged lizard carcasses dropped from above. Dwarven physics, man.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Face Palm moments you had
« Reply #10087 on: May 09, 2017, 02:51:50 am »

I went for a 50km long ride with my bike on Saturday and since it's more or less starting season I was tired and sore (read: lazy as hell lol) on Sunday. So when I woke up in the morning I fired up the comp and DF and made me my first coffee. Said to myself oh boy! oh boy! a day for fortress building!! and maybe even some setting up my armies, uniforms, patrol routes, bolts equiping, bin testing !!!SCIENCE!!!. So I was playing till lunch, ordered me something to eat and playing along as the day turned to evening and was still playing during the evening till around 10 pm. I made so much stuff in approx 14 hrs of game play including winning a siege, made an artifact, production lines, setting up + naming all my stockpiles, setting all patrol routes, lots of uniforms for my soldiers, trading, etc. You know the casual Sunday fortress tidy and make everything and every detail perfect kinda day. For the end of the play day I wanted to finish my dworfs rooms (have 200 buggers) and when I was setting doors to be build for the last few rooms I pushed enter once too many and I placed a door on top of an already existing door (that's what was in the last line in the crash log). So there it was a crash! I was like oh crap and right at the end but OK, I am done for the day anyway. But then I was curious if I lost any work I have done so I went to load up the game again to see what's up just to F%$#% realize I lost it ALL! The freaking 14hrs of PERFECTING game play not just some mining but "Oh my Urist! the making it all perfect including all military personalized armor, stockpile settings,..... 14hrs out the window!?!?! *FACEPALM, FACEPALM with left hand, FACEPALM with right hand, DOOOUBLE FACEPALM", but then the !!!IDEA!!!. Time to go and scavange the save game folder there must be something to recover after 14 hrs right!

SOOOO....., the worst possible outcome imaginable came after making a PhD out of savegame folder/system (at like 1am in the morning) trying to recover something and then I finally figured out/realized for good that I haven't played through the season and so there was NO save game made whatsoever in the last 14 hrs because I spend so much time reading the wiki and forums to make it all perfect in game and in pause mode setting all that up - stuff like stockpiles, personalized military uniforms, trading, building over 100 rooms for dwarfes, I even traded huge amount of items with a dwarwen caravan that was at the darn trade depot at the time so I spend like an hour in the trade menu looking at all the items, one by one so I would remember the prices and see whats best for trading and how can I improve my fort to make more with trading. So i tweaked my production lines based on that, planned out new lines, stockpiles, selected the best dwarfs for the job based on personality, you freaking name it. It was done to perfection. AND ALL THAT GONE WITH THE LAST DARN DOOR PLACEMENT!!!


It was 1am in the morning and I was SOOOO PISS... that I probably didn't fell asleep till 3am thinking about it. At the end I said oh well I learned a lot and now I am also a save scum but By my Urist!! this you can call a PERFECT FACEPALM moment!
« Last Edit: May 09, 2017, 02:55:45 am by knedl »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Face Palm moments you had
« Reply #10088 on: May 09, 2017, 08:26:45 pm »

I had a similar facepalm experience.  Having spent all day digging down to magma for my first attempt at magma forges, while also setting up good defenses  ear the surface, it was announced that some kind of moth had approached.  I send some dwarves at it only to read that this was no weird moth, but a Weremammoth.  And also I learned thehard way that their bites are contagious.  Dropping from 70 dwarves to 5, I quelled the Weremammoth and decided to call it a day.  Windows had an error and I lost the whole day's work. 

Next day, I restart, survive a Weremammoth only losing 2 dwarves, deal with a giant, and at the end of the day I get the same error, again I lose all my progress.  Did I play through a season for there to be an autosave? No.  Facepalm...

I'm going to adopt a faster game time style of play and seehow that goes for a while.  I still have yet to do anything with magma!

But then I was curious if I lost any work I have done so I went to load up the game again to see what's up just to F%$#% realize I lost it ALL!
I feel your pain.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Face Palm moments you had
« Reply #10089 on: May 11, 2017, 10:42:30 pm »

Digging the standard stairway straight down to magma that will eventually become a drop chute.   Cavern 1, wall off and continue stairs, cavern 2, whew missed the water, cavern 3, getting close.  Raw Adamantine, Praise the Miners!  Wait what are those screams...  crap.

Rusty Shackleford

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Re: Face Palm moments you had
« Reply #10090 on: May 11, 2017, 11:46:34 pm »

Yeah I retired a sort of time-warp fort. 7 six dwarf (very inept) scholars with decades of food locked in a luxury bunker with nothing to do do besides discussing adhesives to maximize fps. I retired the fort a decade into it and didn't keep any back up. I reclaim it and it crashes whenever I retire it.

I wanted to start an adventurer to come in and argue the worthlessness of family, friends, excitement, ect and convince them of the value of knowledge so they wouldn't be so depressed and miserable and trying to find excuses to leave the library but I can't quit the fort without it crashing.

Which is really lame.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Face Palm moments you had
« Reply #10091 on: May 12, 2017, 11:10:41 am »

acccidentaly removed the one wall I had labeled as do not remove while trying to work in a room. Found out that was covering the origional enterance to my circus ring and prisioner execution chamber that werre held off by an air lock and retracting bridge...lost 15 dwarves holding the breach to rebuild that single tile of wall, one being my sword lord in adamantine armor, two master crossbow dwarves.
The first time you see this, copy it into your signature on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
Ravioli Ravioli, the old broad died so now I play a Demon Loli.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Face Palm moments you had
« Reply #10092 on: May 27, 2017, 03:53:58 pm »

I've been playing dwarf fortress more than I'd care to admit but
I just realised that I've been reading the game's full title wrong all along :
it is not, in fact, "Slaves to Armok : Blood of God"...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Face Palm moments you had
« Reply #10093 on: May 28, 2017, 11:21:02 am »

I've been playing dwarf fortress more than I'd care to admit but
I just realised that I've been reading the game's full title wrong all along :
it is not, in fact, "Slaves to Armok : Blood of God"...
Did the cries of "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!" not clue you in?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Face Palm moments you had
« Reply #10094 on: May 28, 2017, 11:49:59 am »

I've been playing dwarf fortress more than I'd care to admit but
I just realised that I've been reading the game's full title wrong all along :
it is not, in fact, "Slaves to Armok : Blood of God"...
Did the cries of "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!" not clue you in?

It did, but refering to the "slaves" as being the blood of Armok was making (some) sense.
Anyway, that's the reason of the facepalm.
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