I haven't been playing much DF lately, and my computer is off being repaired right now, but I went ahead and downloaded it onto my dad's laptop to see if I can have a bit of Fun between programming sessions... it didn't take long.
I figured I'd start with the first Worldgen in the "
Worldgen Cookbook" thread, to save the time of genning a bunch of worlds to find a spot I liked. I ended up in a forested area with a few hills and some magma. Now, I've used magma before, I've had fortresses built very near to it, but I've always walled it off in the past. This time though I did a quick check on the creatures list after I started and didn't see any imps or anything, so I just started setting up.
The game was destined from the start to be Fun. Not five minutes after I started, a miner was killed while digging out some ramps to clean up the edges near the fortress, so I could build a nice stone wall around the entrance... ramps. No complex channels, not a strange room, a few ramps. The idiot managed to dig out the only possible set of ramps in the only possible order that could create a cave in, and managed to do so while standing directly under the only floor tile that fell...
I figured I would be fine though, I brought two miners just in case (this happens to me reasonably often, perhaps I should pay more attention to my miners... nah, this is funnier). I got a little irked, and had to move my temporary "stockpile-of-everything-in-the-wagon" a little further away, cause my cats were ignoring the fire-snakes and I didn't want any exploding beer (fire and death I'm okay with, but not the beer!). After this I started work on a wall around the fortress (the other miner had finished cleaning up the ramps...) and got my workshops set up, no problem!
Yeah right. A couple minutes later an imp climbed out of the magma pipe and attacked my mason. He was fine, cause he had the two dogs I brought next to him, and they killed the imp, but this reminded me that imps can and usually do spawn a little bit after the game starts. So I immediately stopped all other jobs for my mason and had him start on the wall around the pipe. I wasn't fast enough. While everyone was out in the woods gathering resources another imp climbed out, killed the mason (who was still working on the wall) and flung a single fireball off into the woods (I think he was aiming for one of my cats...). I managed to get the farmer back inside, but everyone else was trapped between the fire and the river. I now have one, very unhappy farmer, and I have no intention of quitting

I'd completely forgotten why Dwarf Fortress is so much Fun! Mind you, this all happened before my first summer, so I'm challenging myself to keep the farmer alive until I can get some migrants. I'm going to have him/her take a pick and dig a path under the river, get the food, drinks and seeds though, and then seal it off. It's not as safe as the farmer would probably like though, I've noticed a large number of foxes around, and I was warned about cougars in the intro text...

Anyone else have interesting fire-related stories? We hear about horrible magma-flood accidents all the time, but now that I think about it, I've only heard of a few fire-accidents... maybe I'm just too far out of the loop

[EDIT]: A couple screenshots.
The damage:

The fire actually hasn't quite gone out yet, and the other side of the river is just as green and lively as it was when I got here... I started on the wrong side of the river