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Author Topic: Cavebrands  (Read 66536 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cavebrands
« Reply #435 on: July 28, 2010, 06:24:11 pm »

2 FPS?  That's...  I dunno how you manage, Kagus.  You must have quite a backbone, or a great deal of psychotropics or something.

Is there anything we can do to help the framerate?  Mass-crushing of stone perhaps?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cavebrands
« Reply #436 on: July 28, 2010, 10:51:43 pm »

Nah, what helped was tearing up the rest of the hidden snatchers and ambushers.  Stealthed units can really play havoc on your FPS for some reason.

Anyways, I sent out the military again and they managed to cut the pikegoblin squad up on the mountain down to a single greenskin (who fled.  Very quickly).  Another squad also showed up on the hill, this a bunch of macegoblins led by a dwarven taskmaster and his whip.

Interestingly enough, the lasher was interred in one of our own coffins after he fell.  It's actually rather touching, really.  That no matter what path we chose in life, we are all equal in death.

Either that, or these braindead little runts just couldn't tell the difference.  One or the other.

Anyways, we've got a whole big batch of new wounded for Cheddarius and the two nurses to work their wonders on.  Unfortunately, we still don't have any lye in barrels, so there's no soap.  We've got five units of lye sitting in the ashery, but nobody wants to move it to a barrel.  This is most likely because they're all wankers.

There are quite a few people suffering from infections.  I'm concerned that we may end up with some very nasty complications because of this, potentially even a few deaths.

Most of the wounded are actually up and about, only a few are confined to bed rest.  I was afraid that there might be a few more people walking around with arrows sticking out of them, so I went about looking at the inventory screens of all the injured dwarves I saw walking around.  Most of them were clean, a couple had projectiles, and a number had adamantine sutures (gulp). 

And then I found this in the local butcher's inventory screen:

They stitched his lung.  They stitched his goddamn lung, and then put a bandage on it.

Hard.  Fucking.  Core.

Anyways, we also had a hauler go into a mood today.  As luck would have it, she was a woodcrafter.  Yes, woodcrafters get to have real moods, all the useful people just get possessions. 

She ended up making a bracelet.  It's actually got a decent enough value, but I suspect that has something to do with her encrusting it with clear glass.  The bracelet also doubles as a history lesson, because it has a depiction of a dwarf nobody knew getting shot in a war nobody heard of by an assailant nobody saw.  In horse bone, of course of course.

Apparently she realized how lame of an artifact she was making, so she included a picture of our somewhat badass raw adamantine ring.

I've started trying to iron out the last few details in my hospital water supply, but progress has been slowed by dwarven idiocy.  Apparently, dwarves are incapable of accessing roads in single-tile corridors.  Doesn't matter if they happen to be standing on the goddamn thing at the time, they just can't get to it.  Sorry boss, it don't work.

Business as usual otherwise.  Animals are getting slaughtered, the kitchens are piling up with lard, we have a dwarf making masterwork crossbow bolts, and the current mayor just ended his export ban on horn silver.  El Asshat is still lying in bed, with his ills undiagnosed.  I bet you a granite mug that he's the one injured dwarf in the whole place who doesn't have an infection.  I tried shaking him up a bit by deconstructing the bed he was on, but no go.  He just sat there until we built it back underneath him again.

That's all that comes to mind at the moment.  Our military got a little bit duffed up by the latest goblin raids, but that's nothing compared to the goblins.  These guys are starting to get pretty damn good...


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Re: Cavebrands
« Reply #437 on: July 28, 2010, 11:16:42 pm »

Some great progress, I see! What's the FPS now? How's butchering the animals, clearing the stone, flooding the tree-farm going?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cavebrands
« Reply #438 on: July 29, 2010, 01:58:14 am »

FPS seems to be sitting right around 10 with some stability.  It's actually gone up from most of the year, where it was 9.

Animal butchering appears to be going just fine, I guess we had a slight dip in productivity there when the butcher went in to get his lung stitched and bandaged, but he's up and slaughtering them again.  We've still got quite a backlog though, but we've dispensed with almost all the horses now, along with the bulls.  I've seen dogs show up as marked for butchering a couple times now, and I'm beginning to wonder if the game itself is having hiccups and is assigning them...  I keep taking them off the list though, so they should be fine.  We should probably get into a fight soon though, we're starting to get quite the dogpile.

Stone clearing is going pretty eh.  Most of the haulers are assigned to clearing out the -3 treefarm, which has one patch that's starting to look moderately clear (funnily enough, that location is the area surrounding the catapult which was just completed and made ready for duty, after four months of sitting and waiting for an engineer to build it).  The farm is about 5-10% clear, and it hasn't even been fully dug out yet (the mayor happens to be a miner however, and is eagerly chipping in).

As for flooding, we haven't even thought about that yet.  I need to dig out the rest of it and then clear all the rubble out before it can be flooded.  But the water system is all set and ready for when we do decide to think about it.  It won't be fast, but it'll be relatively safe.


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Re: Cavebrands
« Reply #439 on: July 29, 2010, 01:20:41 pm »

Well, that's pretty good. Hopefully we can get a bunch of animals butchered by the end of the year, get some meat for the kitchens, eh? Oh, on that note, are the cooks and brewers skilling up nicely?

Is there anything you would like future overseers to do? Any personal projects? Anything that needs work or whatnot?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cavebrands
« Reply #440 on: July 31, 2010, 01:47:35 am »

Can't say about the brewers, but we've already got a legendary cook.  I had him make a few meals but I had to take him off that duty since he just kept pushing out masterwork dishes and they all just sat in the kitchen until they rotted.  Everybody was busy off lugging stones.  And you really don't need more than a legendary cook, although I can't say what all is going on with the brewers.

As it stands though, we've got hundreds upon hundreds of both food and drink in our stockpiles.  With this population, we could sit on our current stocks for the next five years at least. 

Now, stuff that needs to be done...   Hmm...  Well, mostly, it'll just be tying up the loose ends that have been put into play already.  Oh, sure, I could say stuff about organizing a proper patrol or guard assignment, or ask that somebody please figure out the mess that is our labor system, or even mention the possibility of maybe fixing our tragic defense scheme (which includes more weapon/cage traps instead of these not-for-use-against-goblins stonefall traps).  But those are all far off in the distance for this little hellhole of ours.

No, I think I'd just like to ask that the next overseer manage the continued excavation of the treefarm, along with the clearing out of all the rubble inside it and its eventual flooding.  The thing's so huge now, I don't think there's a chance that it will finish while I'm here.  And please, do something about our medical situation...  We desperately need soap.  We're beard-deep in lard here, all we need is to get some lye in barrels and we should be alright.

We uh...  We also have a typhoon of clothes out by the trade depot.  I'm assuming that they're there to be sold, since they're those useless and unhelpful things dwarves put on their bodies when they don't know any better.  Well, unfortunately, clothes are actually quite useful these days, so I'm going to have to hold on to them.  But I'd much rather they took up space deep in some underground vault or something, not clogging up stockpiles and bins that should be used for trade goods.  However...  I'm scared to touch the thing personally.  If anyone else would like to deal with this monster, then...  Well, it would be appreciated.

...  No no, not like that.  Get your mind out of the gutter.

I'm currently setting up a tanning shop because our last one apparently disappeared into thin air, and it would be nice to do something with all these skins we're stacking up.  I'm also trying to convince the dwarves that it is entirely possible to do something about the dang floor in the hospital's water supply, but that isn't going to well.  I'm considering just canceling the road-ing process and just opening it up.  If a tower-cap grows in the path, we'll just send a lumbertekkud down there to clear it up.

Oh, yeah, the dwarven caravan just showed up.  I'm expecting another attack, another load of completely unhelpful goods, and another scramble to find something useful to sell these people (and, possibly, another last-minute vacation for the broker).


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cavebrands
« Reply #441 on: July 31, 2010, 02:11:23 am »


Wait at least a few days to let the caravan guards slaughter any ambushes or whatnot, I would say.

The tanning shop is a great idea! Do we have a tanner? The shop is set up in the workshop level, right? Probably not maximally efficient, but in my opinion, it's more organized and friendly to new overseers, and also putting things on levels puts a sort of limiter on hauling time. While you could put the tanning shop right next to the butcher's shop, in my experience this leads to a crazy disorganized fortress where dwarves have to travel immense amounts of time to go anywhere - I much prefer a small walk to the stairs, going through the stairs (very short), and another small walk to the workshops.

What, specifically, is the problem with the hospital's water supply?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cavebrands
« Reply #442 on: July 31, 2010, 02:42:32 am »

Actually, I just set the tanner up next to the old leatherworks and the accompanying leather stockpile.  Which, by the way, happens to be situated right in the vicinity of two refuse stockpiles.  One is across the hall, the other is directly beneath it.

As for the hospital water supply, I've got a single-tile corridor leading from the soon-to-be-fixed water source down to a tile underneath the hospital well I've just set up.  I've attempted to place a number of rough schist roads inside this corridor, but the dwarves are suspending their construction because they "can't reach them".  It apparently doesn't matter that they're standing on top of the things when they're down there telling me they can't get to the building site.  I think they may need to stand next to the road or something in order to lay it, I'm not sure...


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Re: Cavebrands
« Reply #443 on: July 31, 2010, 02:23:16 pm »

Ah, I see.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cavebrands
« Reply #444 on: August 01, 2010, 01:24:46 pm »

Dwarven merchants.  Well, as was to be expected, they didn't bring anything particularly useful.  Also, ignore all that stuff I said earlier about selling clothes and whatnot.  We've got such an insane buildup of them that we may as well get rid of the ones that were made offsite.  Cavebrands work for Cavebrands workers (as soon as we get anything resembling a clothing industry up and running that is).

I purchased some more booze (can never have too much), some iron/steel trinkets to melt down, some copper/bronze/steel bolts for when we actually get around to fighting something with marksdwarves, a couple extra barrels and buckets, and some chopped naked mole dog liver.  Also some cloth and some thread for the hospital (I think that since we had the autoloom orders set up that the hospital really didn't have anything else to pick up for sutures than the adamantine.  Gaah).  I also picked up a number of cave lobsters, but I think I may just have wasted that.  I don't think you get the shell from eating them anymore.

Haven't seen any signs of gobblies yet.  They should be showing up pretty soon though, unless we got fantastically lucky.  considering that this is Cavebrands however, we're most likely not going to be getting any of the good luck.  No, that was used up when Mr. Black Flatulence got trapped in a corridor by trees.

The mayor is speaking with the liaison, but I haven't had the screen pop up yet.  If there's anything you'd like from the caravan, now is the time to speak up and ask for it.  I'm already planning on ordering lots of lye, some sand, and a few extra logs just for good measure.  We're good on comestibles, combustibles (booze), and contemptibles (animals).  What are we missing?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cavebrands
« Reply #445 on: August 01, 2010, 01:42:42 pm »

You might want to forbid all adamantine thread; at the moment I see no reason to use it.
Cave lobsters are fine, if nothing else they're good for eating and perhaps cooking.

I'd like steel bars, and if we have a really huge surplus, buying ready-made weapons and armor is horrendously expensive but useful. Also pick up some platinum and aluminum for extra-nice stuff.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cavebrands
« Reply #446 on: August 01, 2010, 04:50:48 pm »

There are dwarves deconstructing my roof.

Send help.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cavebrands
« Reply #447 on: August 02, 2010, 01:51:43 am »

You might want to forbid all adamantine thread; at the moment I see no reason to use it.
Cave lobsters are fine, if nothing else they're good for eating and perhaps cooking.
Thing is, it's still in the hospital zone.  If it's forbidden it won't get moved out, and it'll just sit there until someone unforbids it and it enters into use again.  I've changed the settings in the hospital stockpile, so hopefully they'll move it out of there before things get too gnarly...  It's a thought though.

As for the lobsters, yeah I know...  We're fine on food though, I was hoping to get shells (something useful).  Ah well, they're pretty cheap anyways, so it's not like it's a huge loss.  And we cleared out a significant amount of junk too, so there's that.

I'd like steel bars, and if we have a really huge surplus, buying ready-made weapons and armor is horrendously expensive but useful. Also pick up some platinum and aluminum for extra-nice stuff.
I'd just as soon hold off on ordering weapons...  They always end up bringing lots of stuff made from weird materials, and the ones that aren't have no quality but are decorated with diamonds or dragon bone or something.  Plus we've got loads of bronze, we can make our own once we start really pumping up the metal industry.  I'll put in the order for bars.

There are dwarves deconstructing my roof.

Send help.
Not quite sure I follow you ol' chap...  Have I missed something?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cavebrands
« Reply #448 on: August 03, 2010, 02:51:10 pm »

Sorry about the even-slower-than-usual progress, had an appointment yesterday.  Anyways, let's get these bastards done with, shall we?

So anyways, this started out as a relatively standard run...  The traders are picking up our dirty laundry in exchange for us taking out their trash, the liaison ran down into the fortress in search of our mayor who was hiding in the depths, and we finally removed some of the stonefall traps out front so we can start switching them out with weapon traps.  I noticed an oddity with the drawbridge out front, so I decided to pull it up to see if my suspicions were correct.

Fortunately, they weren't.  It's just that the bridge wasn't fully covered on one side, but because of the way it's set to raise up it still provides a complete block.

While the liaison was discussing our "situation" and I was trying to convince some haulers to move a couple metal items out from under the drawbridge's crush zone, something unexpected happened...

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

So...   Uh...  Yeah.  Swordsmen, lead by a spearman riding a giant toad.  This is kinda bad.


It's especially bad now that I realize that I just locked half our military outside.

Alright, here's the battle plan...  I'm going to station some siege operators on the ballistae guarding the front entrance.  Then I'm going to try to lower the drawbridge and get our boys back inside.  If the goblins manage to make their way off the mountain in good time, then I'll have the operators open fire on them.  It should at least help soften them up a bit so the rest of our military can deal with them.

Yeeaaah....  I can see a great number of flaws in that plan, but it's pretty much the best one I can see us having.  Lowering the drawbridge will also allow the merchants to get out.  The guards should be able to put a dent in the enemy force, and if nothing else it will at least get them outside so they don't go berserk inside the walls.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cavebrands
« Reply #449 on: August 03, 2010, 03:14:49 pm »

what no magma flooding lever?

what kinda fort is this...?
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