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Author Topic: How did you last *own*?  (Read 1292735 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: How did you last *own*?
« Reply #10035 on: February 09, 2021, 11:39:37 pm »

You fellas have no idea how the dedicated communities to this game are losing their crap over the update.

It pretty much broke it for a lot of people. I got lucky and just need to deal with the stupid huge UI. Spawn hotkey though.
Monstrous Manual: D&D in DF
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Re: How did you last *own*?
« Reply #10036 on: February 10, 2021, 02:53:35 am »

I was reading some news about how a patch broke that swbf2 classic whole game, with a link to that post explaining the mess the guys that made that update did :

A solution that works for people from what i read is to get the reversion files :

And start a new profile (as the old profiles are updated with the new broken patch and would make crash with the older files) to play your favorite mods.
For people that have the steam version (or any other version with some autoupdater thingy), looks like they'll have to play with their steam/whatever offline to avoid it re-updating their game automatically.

Or wait until whoever is still updating the game figure out how to clean their mess

edit : apparently the borked update has been reverted now.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2021, 04:35:13 am by Robsoie »


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Re: How did you last *own*?
« Reply #10037 on: February 11, 2021, 10:38:14 pm »

Was playing with my brother and an online friend who haven't put in the 700+ hours I and my usual crew have. We also have a rando.

We were doing the Screaming Bell finale on Legend difficulty. I go in, shove my way past a few baddies on the platform, and clear out 7/9 chains holding the the bell up while fighting off a stream of guys following me. As I'm doing this I glance around and see everyone is scattered, fighting their own battles and losing. Badly.

By the time I break the last chain, my online friend and the rando are already dead. And due to a cruel twist of fate, they both spawn near the end of the level....while there's still a Rat Ogre that has to be slain.

It's me and my brother now. We clear out some trash and start fighting the Rat Ogre. It's taking for fucking ever because we're down two players and I'm a tank, so our damage is pretty low overall. At around the 30% health mark, my brother gets splatted, so it's just me and the Rat Ogre.

I fence and dodge and block and fight that Rat Ogre for probably a minute and a half. I take quite a few punches trying to slip in sneaky hits between his pretty much non-stop attacking. It's down to the wire, a fraction of his health bar left. One more hit and I'm toast. And I say into Discord "What I really need is for this guy to just burn to death, like, now."

As I finish uttering that sentence the Rat Ogre goes up like a burning cinder right before me.

But oh no, this tale does not end yet. I still have to escape, fight through a non-stop horde AND rescue my friends.

I play....probably the most intense and skillful game of tanking I've ever played. Thanks to a buff potion one of the players that died dropped, I was able to maximize what my class can do, and just basically executed everything exactly as I needed to, to survive. It took another 2 or 3 minutes of just straight fighting an entire legendary horde solo, dodging, blocking, knowing when to strike. At one point they almost had me, but things played out such that I was able to blow my special at just before they completely clobbered me, make some space, grab a bomb, perfectly blast the horde apart with it and burn the rest of them to death. I was laughing. I basically felt unstoppable despite being a moment from death.

I manage to free everyone else and we traipse on down to the evac spot.

And I STILL took half the damage of anyone else playing.

Goddamn, what a game.

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« Last Edit: February 12, 2021, 11:10:29 am by nenjin »
Cautivo del Milagro seamos, Penitente.
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Its kinda silly to complain that a friendly NPC isn't a well designed boss fight.
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Re: How did you last *own*?
« Reply #10038 on: February 12, 2021, 04:24:10 pm »

Beat down the main villain(for most of the game). In one try, even. He actually gives a pretty hard fight. He has a super attack that hits almost the entire battlefield, and does enough damage anyone in my party can potentially be one-shot with it. In fact, I think it's sheer luck that none of the times he used it was a total wipe. Also fortunate is that he pauses for about 5 seconds after using it, time enough to get some healing down.

He also commits one of the biggest sins of video game bosses: he heals. Not just a scripted HP boost halfway through the fight, an actual healing spell that is part of his general moveset. Even worse, it's not just healing, it has an attack sequence to it; first it's two or three "hits" that restore about 2500 hitpoints apiece, followed by numerous minor hits to adjacent foes, and finishing up with a large healing effect for around 4500HP. He can use this repeatedly. Nearly impossible to outdamage the healing, the real trick is to interrupt his casting... which is hard because the attacks from his healing spell interrupt your interrupting attacks.

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They asked me how well I understood theoretical physics. I told them I had a theoretical degree in physics. They said welcome aboard.
... Yes, the hugs are for everyone.  No stabbing, though.  Just hugs.


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Re: How did you last *own*?
« Reply #10039 on: February 18, 2021, 11:47:03 am »

Finally beat  the Vortex campaign with one of the OG races (had beaten it previously with TK and Wulfhart but those are kinda shorter and easier for the most part), playing as DE and Lokhir no less, someone who's proven to be a fairly tough start for me previously, mostly because your only friends are Skaven and if you want to progress trough the rituals with any speed you gotta turn on them sooner or later. Beating the final battle wasn't the own tho, that one was fairly easy with the amount of broken shit you can cram into a single army, as well as the powers you get trough it.
The own came halfway trough the last ritual when the game goes 'here's six full top tier Skaven stacks dumped next to your ritual city, have fun!'
Four of those stacks beeline it for Oyxl(Oxyl?) which isn't a part of the ritual but is fairly close I guess. The city itself is T4 with second level walls and garrisoned by a low level sorceress of fire and her pretty decent army of spears/shades and a grab bag of RoR troops that were available that turn before the Skaven hit. Some 2.5k troops in total, against their 8k+
The only way to handle it is to disable large army control, which caps both sides to 20 units (so a full stack) and trickles in reinforcements as units get wiped out. This benefits me greatly because of the massive disparity in numbers, but it's not an easy win by any stretch since you still gotta grind trough all those thousands of ratmen. The real problem is the way the game handles those reinforcements for some reason, as it would send in mostly infantry and cannon fodder as replacements for their army, which meant that by the time the really nasty stuff like abominations, globadiers or plague monks came in most of my ranged power had ran out of ammo. Luckily I had 3 of the cav RoRs, which for once, proved useful as they were able to do quick charges to scare off the ranged stuff and buy some time.
Another surprising mvp (as I tend to never use the low tier flying stuff since it's so weak) on my side were the harpy RoR which sniped most enemy siege engines before the catapults could do any serious damage to my troops, as well as picking off the occasional weapons team thanks to their fairly good melee stats compared to stuff like globadiers or warpfire throwers.
By the end I had lost almost 2000 troops while an entire skaven army was wiped and others heavily mauled with some 5-6k losses in total. Fight would've been much easier if I had been able to get a black ark close enough to support, some of those abilities are fairly brutal in siege fights.
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Re: How did you last *own*?
« Reply #10040 on: February 22, 2021, 08:41:01 am »

A small empire with around 40-50K military strength called mine a bunch of soulless tin cans. I wonder what their faces looked like when several of my fleets (totalling 1.2 million fleet power) jumped right into their home system and set to work?

Also, I may or may not have Death Starred all of their planets, just for the fun of it.

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I am ambushed by humans, and for a change, they do not drop dead immediately. I bash the master with my ladle, and he is propelled away. While in mid-air, he dies of old age.

Great Order

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Re: How did you last *own*?
« Reply #10041 on: February 22, 2021, 12:59:05 pm »

Formed India as Panjab (née the Sikh Empire). The UK got into a 30 year war that completely drained her, which let me take a few high pop states in India while I was still a primitive (And being Panjab I got access to some decisions that let me add their pops to my accepted cultures). The UK didn't stand a chance after that, once I westernised I militarised to a brutal degree. First war I couldn't raise their war exhaustion at all, so I couldn't demand their retreat from India since that requires the UK to have 25 exhaustion on top of occupying a number of major cities. The second time I warred with them while they were in the middle of another war and had high exhaustion from that. I had to cheat a bit to fix some bugs that came from it (ie the UK didn't retreat from India properly and held onto a few completely isolated provinces). Cheated a couple more times to take the French and Portuguese ports in there because I couldn't be fucked to wait 30 years for warscore to tick up. I was too far away for them to fight me, but since they only had one province in range of me I wasn't able to get warscore high enough for them to accept defeat, so I used the yesmen cheat.

Once I'd taken those two and sphered all the other Indian nations, I formed India. Game bugged out a bit and I think it wound up with the AI in control of India while I was at the same time, because decisions started randomly firing off, but whatever. My goal of a united India came to fruition. I became the second most powerful nation in the world, with the most prestige and manpower. It was just industry stopping me from getting higher, and with time I'd have been able to beat out Germany there. The UK suffered an anarcho-liberal revolt, and between successive lost wars on the home front and me liberating India from them, they dropped to secondary power status.

Victoria 2: Pop Demand Mod
I may have wasted all those years
They're not worth their time in tears
I may have spent too long in darkness
In the warmth of my fears

Loud Whispers

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Re: How did you last *own*?
« Reply #10042 on: February 23, 2021, 05:34:49 am »

Formed India as Panjab (née the Sikh Empire). The UK got into a 30 year war that completely drained her, which let me take a few high pop states in India while I was still a primitive (And being Panjab I got access to some decisions that let me add their pops to my accepted cultures). The UK didn't stand a chance after that, once I westernised I militarised to a brutal degree. First war I couldn't raise their war exhaustion at all, so I couldn't demand their retreat from India since that requires the UK to have 25 exhaustion on top of occupying a number of major cities. The second time I warred with them while they were in the middle of another war and had high exhaustion from that. I had to cheat a bit to fix some bugs that came from it (ie the UK didn't retreat from India properly and held onto a few completely isolated provinces). Cheated a couple more times to take the French and Portuguese ports in there because I couldn't be fucked to wait 30 years for warscore to tick up. I was too far away for them to fight me, but since they only had one province in range of me I wasn't able to get warscore high enough for them to accept defeat, so I used the yesmen cheat.

Once I'd taken those two and sphered all the other Indian nations, I formed India. Game bugged out a bit and I think it wound up with the AI in control of India while I was at the same time, because decisions started randomly firing off, but whatever. My goal of a united India came to fruition. I became the second most powerful nation in the world, with the most prestige and manpower. It was just industry stopping me from getting higher, and with time I'd have been able to beat out Germany there. The UK suffered an anarcho-liberal revolt, and between successive lost wars on the home front and me liberating India from them, they dropped to secondary power status.

Victoria 2: Pop Demand Mod
wahe guru my dude

Great Order

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Re: How did you last *own*?
« Reply #10043 on: February 24, 2021, 04:13:53 am »

I keep failing to see the endgame in Stellaris. Normally this is because the game slows down and I get bored because of that.

This time it was because I took over almost the entire galaxy by 130 years in.

Only playing small (To try and keep FPS up), but everyone wanted to be my protectorate. By 2330 there were only three non-FE empires that were out of it, and that was because two of them were in a federation so they have a -1000 malus to accepting any sort of vassalisation, and the third is an uplifted primitive empire I released so I could form a mercantile federation for the trade policy. Also they were a megacorp so they could make corporate buildings in my empire.

Normally "winning" Stellaris isn't an issue for me, it's just that this is the first time I've had the entire galaxy willingly put themselves under my thumb. Fan auth-xenophile slavers works far too well.
I may have wasted all those years
They're not worth their time in tears
I may have spent too long in darkness
In the warmth of my fears

Loud Whispers

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Re: How did you last *own*?
« Reply #10044 on: February 24, 2021, 11:53:05 am »

I keep failing to see the endgame in Stellaris. Normally this is because the game slows down and I get bored because of that.

This time it was because I took over almost the entire galaxy by 130 years in.

Only playing small (To try and keep FPS up), but everyone wanted to be my protectorate. By 2330 there were only three non-FE empires that were out of it, and that was because two of them were in a federation so they have a -1000 malus to accepting any sort of vassalisation, and the third is an uplifted primitive empire I released so I could form a mercantile federation for the trade policy. Also they were a megacorp so they could make corporate buildings in my empire.

Normally "winning" Stellaris isn't an issue for me, it's just that this is the first time I've had the entire galaxy willingly put themselves under my thumb. Fan auth-xenophile slavers works far too well.
Lmao if they insist then who are you to reject their obesiance?
I wonder what the rationale here was. Maybe your Empire just offered a really good deal for all citizens everywhere


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Re: How did you last *own*?
« Reply #10045 on: February 24, 2021, 12:20:06 pm »

Maybe your Empire just offered a really good deal for all citizens everywhere
Fan auth-xenophile slavers
For 60% of all citizens everywhere :P
Or maybe the Empire offered a good price for the remaining 40%, depopulating the other empires until they offered fealty...

Using Slaver Guilds to do slavery despite being xenophile is a neat trick that I've tried a little in the past, but the way it distributes the slavery on every planet was hard to get used to.  Interesting that you made a trade federation despite not being a megacorp (incompatible with Fanatic Authoritarianism, sadly, since it's technically oligarchy).
No justice: no peace.
Quote from: Fallen London, one Unthinkable Hope
This one didn't want to be who they was. On the Surface – it was a dull, unconsidered sadness. But everything changed. Which implied everything could change.


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Re: How did you last *own*?
« Reply #10046 on: February 24, 2021, 07:54:45 pm »

Took three attempts, but I finally conquered Overgrowth. I was fairly lucky in that after the second attempt, most of the important stuff was still mostly intact. In particular, the power generators and most of the defense grid was still online. Unit manufacturing was all but gone, but that wasn't an immediate concern. By the time the third or fourth wave arrived. I had almost everything up and running, including unit factories. There was one minor mistake I made when I hadn't noticed the power lines powering the titanium mines that fed the cryofluid mixers that fed the impact reactors weren't there, requiring that I bring almost everything offline for a few waves to let the steam generators/batteries build up enough charge to turn the impact reactors* back on.

After that, all I did was build a Fortress, a tier-3 walker with a long range artillery attack. Outranges every gun they had. Managed to destroy most of the defenses on the way and around the enemy core before being destroyed. By which point, I had another Fortress ready to finish off the core. Victory occurred before wave 15.

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They asked me how well I understood theoretical physics. I told them I had a theoretical degree in physics. They said welcome aboard.
... Yes, the hugs are for everyone.  No stabbing, though.  Just hugs.

Great Order

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Re: How did you last *own*?
« Reply #10047 on: February 25, 2021, 02:41:43 am »

Maybe your Empire just offered a really good deal for all citizens everywhere
Fan auth-xenophile slavers
For 60% of all citizens everywhere :P
Or maybe the Empire offered a good price for the remaining 40%, depopulating the other empires until they offered fealty...

Using Slaver Guilds to do slavery despite being xenophile is a neat trick that I've tried a little in the past, but the way it distributes the slavery on every planet was hard to get used to.  Interesting that you made a trade federation despite not being a megacorp (incompatible with Fanatic Authoritarianism, sadly, since it's technically oligarchy).
Merchant guilds. Doesn't say so on the civic, but it gives you access to trade leagues and the merchant diplo stance. Also indentured servitude is a really useful slavery policy. Doesn't give you the bonuses other slavery types do, but the slaves are still affected by civic and leader bonuses.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2021, 02:43:26 am by Great Order »
I may have wasted all those years
They're not worth their time in tears
I may have spent too long in darkness
In the warmth of my fears


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Re: How did you last *own*?
« Reply #10048 on: February 25, 2021, 05:09:58 pm »

Thirty septendecillion paperclips.


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Re: How did you last *own*?
« Reply #10049 on: February 27, 2021, 06:20:52 pm »

Maybe your Empire just offered a really good deal for all citizens everywhere
Fan auth-xenophile slavers

Or maybe the Empire offered a good price for the remaining 40%, depopulating the other empires until they offered fealty...

I wonder how possible it would be to just slam all your effort into energy production, then buy all the pops of the next slave-state over in order to weaken them beyond reason. Maybe just throw them all onto a prison planet or something. Does the AI always put a portion of its slave pop up for sale, or is it by need?
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FACT II: Dunamisdeos is a forum-certified wordsmith.
FACT III: "All life begins with Post-it notes and ends with Post-it notes. This is the truth! This is my belief!...At least for now."
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